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Volunteer Computing for Science Gateways

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1 Volunteer Computing for Science Gateways
David P. Anderson Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Volunteer computing Adding BOINC to a science gateway Involving the public The majority of the world’s computing power is in consumer products, not machine rooms: 1 billion PCs, most with GPUs 5 billion smartphones, many with GPUs all connected by the Internet. Volunteer computing uses these consumer resources for scientific computing. BOINC is the leading middleware system for volunteer computing. Using BOINC, scientists create projects, and consumers can donate the use of their computing devices to any or all of these projects. You can use BOINC to increase the computing power of your science gateway: Deploy a BOINC server (on your own hardware or a Cloud node) Develop a BOINC Adapter that moves jobs and files between your current job-processing system and BOINC (a suitable adapter may already exist). Publicize your BOINC project to your gateway users, and to the global public. Volunteer computing involves the public in your science gateway. People can participate in several ways: Volunteer their computers. Participate in message boards. Read online educational material. Provide technical support to other volunteers. For your open-source applications: debug optimize develop GPU versions scientists volunteers Involving corporations projects volunteers Several technology companies sponsor initiatives that promote and expand volunteer computing: IBM’s World Community Grid is a BOINC project hosting applications from multiple institutions. Intel’s Progress Thru Processors is a Facebook interface to BOINC. HTC, Samsung created and distributed branded versions of the BOINC Android client. Blizzard Entertainment is integrating BOINC with their video game platform. Sony pre-installed BOINC (running World Community Grid) on its VIAO laptop and desktop PCs. CPDN m WCG BOINC project Gateway jobs BOINC Adapter scheduler Computing capacity and cost files file server Current: 500,000 computers 2.3 million CPU cores, 290,000 GPUs 92 PetaFLOPS Potential: 100 ExaFLOPS 100 Exabytes of storage Cost: 1% of Amazon EC2 Applications BOINC supports many types of applications. GPU: using CUDA, CAL, OpenCL. Android: existing C/C++ applications can easily be compiled for ARM. Multicore: using OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL, etc. Legacy: existing executables can be used with BOINC’s “wrapper” technology. Virtual-machine: an application can consist of a VirtualBox VM image and an executable to run in the VM. This provides sandboxing and checkpointing (using VirtualBox’s snapshot feature), and eliminates the need to build versions for different platforms. We are developing a new volunteer interface in which people sign up for rather than for individual BOINC projects. allocates resources based on an XSEDE-like model. This means your gateway will get volunteer computing resources without publicizing itself. Workloads Volunteer computing works best for workloads that Are throughput-oriented (e.g. bags of tasks) Have moderate RAM (< 12 GB) and storage needs Don’t involve sensitive input data or results Examples include Compute-intensive analysis of large data Particle colliders (e.g. LHC) Radio astronomy Genomics Simulations of physical systems biomedical (drug discovery, protein folding) nanoscience Earth climate system cosmology VirtualBox executive Volunteers Projects BOINC client Vbox wrapper shared directory: executable input, output files VM instance BOINC adapters Contact info BOINC provides C++ and Web RPC APIs for submitting jobs and managing files. We have developed adapters so that existing job-processing systems can interface with BOINC: ARC (used by CERN for Atlas jobs) HTCondor HUBzero David P. Anderson UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab Berkeley CA The BOINC web site:

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