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General Terms & Concepts

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1 General Terms & Concepts
Culture, Economic & Political Systems

2 Culture All the things that make up a people’s entire way of life

3 7 Elements of Culture

4 1. Social Organization Nuclear Family: Extended Family:
Small families, husband, wife and kids Typical in industrial societies like the USA Extended Family: Has several generations living in one household Patriarchal & Matriarchal: Father or Mother is the head of the house

5 2. Customs and Traditions
The accepted rules of behavior

6 3. Religion Monotheism Polytheism The worship of one god
The worship of more than one god

7 4. Arts and Literature

8 5. Language

9 6. Government Monarchy: Gov’t ruled by king/queen
Royalty Democracy: Rule by the people Socialism: Factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the benefit of all

10 Government Con’t… Communism: All means of production (land, businesses…) are owned by people, private property doesn’t exist. Everything is shared equally Theocracy: Ruled by religious figures Republic: A form of democracy. The people choose leaders to represent them. USA is a good example.

11 Government Con’t Again…
Dictatorship: A ruler or group of rulers who holds power by force Totalitarian Gov’t: Gov’t control over every aspect of public and private life Oligarchy: Gov’t in the hands of a few, especially based on wealth

12 7. Economic Systems Traditional: People produce most of what they need to survive Market: Individuals answer the basic economic questions by buying and selling goods and services Command: Gov’t controls what goods are produced, how they are produced and what they cost

13 Economic Systems Con’t…
Mixed: Both individuals and the gov’t make economic decisions. This is a “mixture” of traditional, market and command.

14 Economic Terms Supply: The relationship between quantities to be sold and the prices that can exist Demand: The level of need that exists for a particular item Trade: The exchange of one good for another

15 Economic Terms Con’t… Import: A good or service from another region
Export: A good or service being sent to another region Surplus: An excess of quantity supplied of a good Scarcity: The limited resources for production relative to the demand for a good

16 Economic Terms Con’t Again…
GDP = Gross Domestic Product: The value of all goods produced within a country during the year PCI = Per Capita Income: The total national income (GDP) divided by the size of the population

17 Is the spread of customs or ideas from one culture to another.
Cultural Diffusion Is the spread of customs or ideas from one culture to another.

18 Is the judging of other cultures by the standards of their own.
Ethnocentrism Is the judging of other cultures by the standards of their own.

19 Is the belief that one racial group is naturally superior to another.
Racism Is the belief that one racial group is naturally superior to another.

20 Interdependence Is the mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world.

21 Is the act of moving from one place to settle in another.
Migration Is the act of moving from one place to settle in another.

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