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“What is Interpersonal Communication?”

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1 “What is Interpersonal Communication?”
Seminar 2 “What is Interpersonal Communication?”

2 Seminar Questions (be thinking about these … )
How does each model of communication build upon the work of previous theories? What does it mean to be a "skilled" communicator--in personal interactions? Social interactions? Professional interactions? Interactions with people from diverse backgrounds? In which context(s) do you consider yourself to be a skilled communicator? Example(s)?  Which skill(s) do you most need to improve? In what context(s)? Why? How do you plan to do this?

3 Seminar Overview Seminar questions
Pop quiz! (Don’t worry; it’s not graded) Discuss some key points from this week’s reading. Read a brief case study & discuss how you would handle it

4 Pop Quiz

5 Question 1 Although Kenyea likes where she works, she doesn't find her job very challenging. She decides to take MBA classes at night to more fully use and develop her talent and potential. Kenyea is attempting to fulfill her ____ needs. A. Self Actualization B. Safety C. Living in a diverse world D. Self-esteem E Belonging

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

7 Question 2 The use of jargon can result in ____ noise. Psychological
Physical Semantic Physiological Electronic

8 Correct Answer: C. Semantic Noise
“Noise” refers to anything that gets in the way of understanding and communication (Wood, 2010). Four types of noise: Phsysiological Physical Semantic Psychological

9 Question 3 ____ models of communication added “Analysis” and “fields of experience” to earlier models, but still portrayed communication as a sequential process. Interconnective Transactional Linear Relational Interactive

10 Correct Response: E. “Interactive”
A model is a framework that we use to understand and think about how something works. How we even think about communication limits how we can talk about and study it. We’ll go over different theories and models of communication right after our quiz.

11 Question 4 The ability to effectively adapt messages to others is called: Dual perspective Monitoring Person-centeredness Analysis Metacommunication

12 Answer: A. Person Centeredness
Being able to adapt communication appropriately is one guideline for effective communication. We’ll go over some more guidelines later in seminar. 

13 One principle of interpersonal communication is ____, which means that once we say something to another person, what we said becomes part of the relationship. We cannot not communicate Interpersonal communication involves ethical choices Interpersonal communication effectiveness can be learned Metacommunication affects meaning Communication is irreversible

14 And the answer is … E. Communication is irreversible.
Basically, you can’t “take back” what you’ve said or done. It becomes part of a relationship. Each principle is key to understanding and improving communication.

15 Here’s an easy one … One style of communication is best to use in all situations. True False

16 Another good reason to take this class …
People who lack strong interpersonal relationships have a higher rate of heart disease than people who have healthy social networks. A. True B. False

17 Back to the “models” Transactional models of communication do not account for noise in our interactions with others. True False

18 Two more questions … According to Buber, I-Thou communication is the highest form of human dialogue. True False

19 Last question … In a true interpersonal relationship, power does not exist. True False

20 What is a model? A model is a framework that we use to understand and think about how something works.

21 Linear Models Shortcomings: Sender One-directional Passive listeners
Receiver Shortcomings: One-directional Passive listeners No nonverbal cues Sequential communication

22 Interactive Models Message, decoder, encoder, feedback, common experience Shortcomings: Too sequential Don’t account for change over time. Don’t account for multiple sources.

23 Transactional Models Much more than just exchanging info
Roles are always changing No distinction between sender and receiver Communication always happens within in a system

24 Why do models matter? How does each model of communication build upon the work of previous theories? Why is it important to think of communication within a particular model?

25 Question to consider: What does it mean to be a "skilled" communicator--in personal interactions? Social interactions? Professional interactions? Interactions with people from diverse backgrounds?

26 Communication Competence
Developing a range of communication skills Adapting communication appropriately Person-centeredness Engaging in dual perspective How can you do this? Monitoring communication Observe and regulate Committing to effective and ethical interpersonal communication – invest energy

27 Case Study: Laura and Anna

28 What should Laura’s goals for communication be when she meets Anna?

29 How can Laura engage in dual perspective during their conversation (i
How can Laura engage in dual perspective during their conversation (i.e., understanding both her and Anna’s thoughts, feeling and points of views)?

30 What are some ways Laura could monitor her communication during her conversation with Anna? For example, how can she prevent herself from getting defensive?

31 Given what you know, what specific approach/skills should Laura use with Anna when they meet?

32 Discussion Questions …
What does it mean to be a "skilled" communicator--in personal interactions? Social interactions? Professional interactions? Interactions with people from diverse backgrounds? In which context(s) do you consider yourself to be a skilled communicator? Example(s)?  Which skill(s) do you most need to improve? In what context(s)? Why? How do you plan to do this?

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