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Mentored by Jose Benito and Pedro Ferreira

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1 Mentored by Jose Benito and Pedro Ferreira
Google Summer of Code 2013 Rich Abstract Editor Indico Software by Pedro Gaudêncio Mentored by Jose Benito and Pedro Ferreira

2 What is Indico? Lecture web application Meeting
to schedule and organize events Meeting Bunch of complex features call for abstracts, registration, e-payment, timetable, badges creation, paper reviewing, etc conference

3 Plain text editor vs Rich text editor?
<textarea> <textarea> Wow, *now* I'm **beautiful**! this text is boring </textarea> </textarea> <div id=”text-preview”> Wow, now I'm beautiful! </div>

4 The Goal: produce beautiful abstracts
Enhance the editing and submission of abstracts editor example

5 PDF The Goal: produce beautiful abstracts
and produce its corresponding rendered result in a PDF

6 The technologies used PageDown editor Mathjax Latex
Takes markdown text and converts it into raw HTML (that browsers natively render) and previews the result in real time on a canvas PageDown editor Takes LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath math notation and renders them in the browser using web-based fonts and CSS Mathjax It's a document preparation system that includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation Latex

7 replace the plain textarea by the PageDown Editor
The actual work 1 replace the plain textarea by the PageDown Editor Take the old plain text input area Just replace By the pagedown stuff HTML/css/JS

8 The actual work 2 make Pagedown work along with Mathjax
1 2 3 Store the $math$ In the text in an array And replace the text with Let pagedown Handle The markdown text Replace the By the $math$ Previosly stored Render the math in the pagedown previewer

9 render the inputted markdown/mathjax text
The actual work 3 render the inputted markdown/mathjax text Convert the markdown Text to Html and Render The template

10 The actual work 4 Generate a pdf from the template and retrieve it
Update the lost-in-time markdown2latex extension For the python-markdown package adding some features Replace the Reportlab pdf Template system By latex templates Regex headaches

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