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How the Community becomes a Community

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Presentation on theme: "How the Community becomes a Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Susanne Gontard (neighborhood council speaker) Victoria Loprieno (neighborhood manager) Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations THE END Our neighborhood council – how it works The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 1

2 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations Our neighborhood council – how it works THE END The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 2

3 Introducing Marzahn NordWest

4 Introducing Marzahn NordWest
Built from Part of largest housing estate made of prefabricated concrete 23,459 residents, 21,9 % are immigrants (Russian, Vietnamese, Polish, Roma …) Increasing diversity (refugees, „transmigrants“) 34,28% of residents receive welfare benefits, 56,52% of children Long history of identification, participation, „self-building“, civil disobedience of residents (reconstruction process)

5 Introducing Marzahn NordWest: Reconstruction
2005 1986

6 Introducing Marzahn NordWest: demographic change
Quelle: Bezirksamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf von Berlin 6

7 Introducing Marzahn NordWest: Impressions

8 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations Our neighborhood council – how it works THE END The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 8

9 The Neighborhood Management Program in Berlin
Our main goal: „to improve social cohesion and integration of all groups of the population“ Our instrument: Neighborhood management program (since 1999) Active in 34 socially disadvantaged neighborhoods of Berlin Temporary program, geared towards structural change → volunteering is the key to keeping its results alive! We consult We coordinate We build networks We support We activate We mediate We promote 9

10 The Neighborhood Management Program in Berlin: the 4-Gear Structure (Total: 17 Mill. €)
Funds How much money? Who decides? Action fund 100% federal state funds Total 340,000 € (10,000 € per neighborhood, max. 10,000 € per project) Jury made up of 100% residents Project fund Total 6,620,000 € (min. 5,000 € per project) Neighborhood council Network fund 50% federal state funds, 50% EU (ERDF) funds Total 3,250,000 € (min. 50,000 € per project) Senate administration of Berlin (NC and district administration proposes) Construction fund 50% EU (ERDF), 33,4% federal state, 16,6% federal funds Total 6,790,000 € (min. 50,000 € per project) Senate administration of Berlin (district administration proposes) 10

11 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations Our neighborhood council – how it works THE END The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 11

12 Our Neighborhood Council: How it Works
15 – 25 Persons Minimum 51% residents (100% in action fund jury) Stakeholders from the neighborhood (i.e. Schools, day care, youth & community centers) Council's tasks: •activates •informs •multiplies •participates in decision-making •accompanies projects (new!) •lobbies political decision-makers (new!) Requirements: Resident of the neighborhood At least 16 years old Work structure: •regular meetings •active work in projects (new!) •new forms of dialogue with residents (new!) 12

13 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations Our neighborhood council – how it works THE END The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 13

14 Our neighborhood council: What makes it Work
Multiple roles Promotes the interests of residents Acts as counsel for problems of residents Makes issues visible & transparent, raises its voice Practical help for projects Gets involved! Close ties to neighborhood management projects Votes for projects within the program Supports projects Mediator between project implementators and neighborhood council Empowerment beyond the program Round table for residents Volunteer support for local organizations and initiatives Lobby work for the neighborhood Room for growth! 14

15 How the Community becomes a Community
„The Marzahn NordWest experience“ Introducing Marzahn NordWest Recommendations Our neighborhood council – how it works THE END The neighborhood management program in Berlin Projects START Our neighborhood council – what makes it work 15

16 Recommendations Active promotion and personal approach
Promote self-organization and growth beyond the limits of city development programs Foster close personal ties among neighborhood council members and projects Encourage hands-on practical work within projects Support historical and biographical research and community identity-building Provide funds to be managed independently

17 Projects: Christmas in Marzahn NordWest (action fund)

18 Projects: „Kulturenhochhaus“ (Culture Skyskraper, project fund)
Guest house project designed and run by proud children and young people, café and youth center – come visit! ( Coming up in autumn 2017: Neighborhood coordination and support for elderly people Mobile skating ramps – project developed with young

19 Projects: Exercise for Everyone (construction fund)

20 Thank you for listening! Any questions?

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