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Welcome to the Orientation for

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Orientation for"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Orientation for
ENGLISH FOR CAREERS To view this presentation, just click the right arrow button to go to the next slide or the left arrow button to go to the previous slide.

2 We are here to help! Tina Posey Michael Ivey Sarah Parker
Marilyn Davidson Alma Martinez

3 What Will I Learn? punctuation verbs 6 vs. six nouns Parts of speech
Capitalization How to use numbers Sentence patterns Grammar Much, much more to give you good, employable communication skills! verbs 6 vs. six commas nouns

4 Required Textbook Business English: 12th edition
by Mary Ellen Guffey and Carolyn Seefer (you cannot use an older edition)

5 Attendance Login/out the attendance computer using your student ID number each time you come to the lab. Minimum 3 hours a week in the lab required—Beware —much, much more time will be necessary to finish the course. Login a minimum of 30 minutes each session in order to get credit for time in the lab. The computer will track your total time throughout the semester.

6 What’s in the Progress Folder?
Step-by-Step Course Procedures Progress Record Your Course Contract (below) I understand that I must attend class a minimum of THREE hours per week and complete the weekly course assignments and tests as stated on the progress record. If I fall five hours behind or do not meet stated progress dates, I will be dropped from the course without notice; if beyond the drop date, I will receive an “F” grade.

7 Course Contract Sign your name
Located in the box at the bottom of the course information sheet You MUST attend a minimum of three hours per week! (by your own arrangement) Sign your name Give us your phone number

8 Schedule of Lab Hours Posted throughout the lab
Shows days and times that the lab is open. You are welcome to attend anytime it is open as long as space available. Be sure to schedule most of your time when instructor is on duty to check lessons, review tests, and answer questions.

9 Course Information Sheet
Stapled inside progress folder Steps to completing chapter assignments Required Assignments Must be completed by all students Optional/Recommended Assignments Instructor may assign additional exercises if necessary.

Read chapter Complete chapter exercises in text Compose journal entries Read FAQ’s When finished, take all to instructor for evaluation Take the quiz for each chapter

11 Journal Entries Write a brief summary of the important principles presented in each chapter, and give an example of each. One or two pages maximum. This will serve as a quick study guide to review before quizzes and tests. Outline style is acceptable. Instructor will check journals with lessons. Journal is part of course grade. 5 points possible each chapter.

SELF-HELP EXERCISES Extra chapter exercises are at the end of the chapter—answers in text These are great to do if you had problem areas while doing the exercises in the chapter

13 Testing Quizzes Unit Tests Journal Final* After every chapter
10 points each Unit Tests 6 unit tests 75 points each Journal 70 points possible 5 points each chapter Final* 150 points possible *You may be exempt from the final if your scores are high enough.

14 Grading The grading scale for the course is as follows: 90 - 100% = A
80 – 89 % = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D

15 What To Do Now? Print your name on the progress folder label (last name first, please) Sign the Course Contract information and give your phone number Give progress folder to an instructor for your weekly completion dates Do NOT take your folder out of the lab!

16 Your success is our business!
This is the End! This concludes your English for Careers orientation. If you have questions, you may go through the presentation again or ask an instructor or teacher aide for help. Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs & Services located at Student Services Building, 1st Floor, Counseling Center ( ), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Again, welcome to the Office Tech Lab. Our goal is to make your learning fun, friendly, and meaningful. Anytime you need help, please ask. Your success is our business!

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