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Welcome to Software Engineering!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Software Engineering!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Software Engineering!

2 You will be dropped if you don’t satisfy these requirements
Computer Science majors should plan to take COMP 4882 during the following spring semester. PREREQUISITE: COMP 3160

3 What distinguishes software engineering from other types of software creation?
Large Scale Customers Teams of Developers

4 What is the measure of a successful software engineering project?
Customer Satisfaction * OK, effect on society and humanity matters too, but humor me…

5 Meets their needs, On time, On budget What do customers want?
Software that Meets their needs, On time, and On budget

6 Unfortunately, satisfying customers is hard…
Have you ever been a dissatisfied customer?

7 The “Software Crisis” Since the 1960s (More like a depression)
(Standish Group) Of 28,000 projects completed in 2000… (Cutter Consortium) 2002 Study: 78% of orgs landed in court

8 Why is satisfying customers hard? What problems do SEs face?
Software that Meets their needs, On time, and On budget Why is satisfying customers hard? What problems do SEs face?

9 Problem: Requirements

10 “The customer is always right!”
But … Customers may change their minds Customers may not agree with each other Customers may not know exactly what they want

11 Problem: Cost estimation

12 Spectacular failure: Denver Int’l Airport baggage-handling system
Largest international airport in the US (by area) Scheduled to open in Oct ‘93; actually opened in Feb ‘95 Had to buy back up system and scale back first system after deadline had passed System never did work as intended and was retired in 2005 Problems both managerial and technical Hard to get precise figures on how over-budget, but one estimate at $3.2 billion

13 Problem: Bugs

14 Spectacular failure: Therac-25 radiation therapy machine
6 overdoses between Jun ‘85 and Jan ‘87. First overdose: Breast cancer “tremendous force of heat… this red-hot sensation” Reddening, swelling in front; later matching back; tremendous pain Lost breast and lost use of arm, shoulder 15,000-20,000 rad overdose; 200 rad normal dose; 1000 to whole body will kill Manufacturer and operators refused to implicate Therac-25 Other cases were similar; one for skin cancer on face resulted in death in one month

15 Problem: Maintenance

16 All successful software will change over time
But such change can lead to design erosion

17 But to effectively apply these approaches requires a lot of experience
What ways have you heard of to overcome these problems and satisfy the customer? In this course, we’ll learn about: Agile development Iterative development Test-driven development Object-oriented analysis and design But to effectively apply these approaches requires a lot of experience

18 Course Goals Significant software project Team skills
Communication skills Project management

19 What type of software will you build for the project?
Web Apps!

20 Why web apps? Create apps every bit as dynamic, interactive, and custom tailored as native apps Avoid deployment problems Reach people world wide

21 Course Structure Web App Boot Camp (4 weeks) Team Project
5+1 Homeworks Team Project Initial Planning (4 weeks) Project Alpha Iteration (4 weeks) Project Beta Iteration (~3.5 weeks) Each project iteration ends with presentation Readings + quizzes throughout project Three exams

22 Grading 40% Team Project 30% Exams (10%×3) 10% Boot Camp Homework
15% Regular Productivity 5% Above & Beyond 10% Alpha Milestone 10% Beta Milestone 30% Exams (10%×3) 10% Boot Camp Homework 10% Other Homework and Quizzes 10% Participation

23 Some key policies No cheating!
I use plagiarism detection system! Participate! (lest you lose a participation point) Be here at beginning of class, stay until the end Pop quizzes at beginning of class common Be engaged! Expect seating chart Bring laptops, but…


25 Let’s tour the course web pages…

26 What’s next? Take Java proficiency instrument Do Homework 0
In class today Do Homework 0 Due Thursday by 2:40 I will demo Fill out Partner Request Two s due Thursday by 9am Read syllabus and take the quiz In eCourseware Due Tuesday by 2:40

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