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CES-MED progress and plans

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1 CES-MED progress and plans
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities A project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium This project is funded by the European Union CES-MED progress and plans Overall deliverables Specific progress July – Dec. 2016 Activities planned January – June 2017 Naguib Amin - CES-MED Team Leader

2 Overall deliverables 2013 – 2017 (1)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities Create and associate National Coordination Group (NCG), Focal Points and NCG leading and guiding the project’s activities; Establish Rabat and Beirut offices; Selection and affiliation of 26 cities with many more ready to join  23 cities/municipalities trained 18 SEAPs prepared– 5 ongoing with BEI awareness raising component 8 x2 National reports prepared and (now updated for funding)

3 Overall deliverables 2013 – 2017 (2)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities On-the-job training participatory workshops to prepare SEAPs Partnership with NCGs set towards (SSM) per country. CoM future coordinators and supporters identified Informing donors of CES-MED’s cities/municipalities’ and projects Concrete steps to identify finacing Help provide external funds (SUDEP and Menjez…) Complementarity with UPFI programme and others

4 Overall deliverables 2013 – 2017 (3)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities On-the-job training participatory workshops to prepare SEAPs Prepare CES-MED comprehensive “Information Kit” Collaborate with JRC in training and the approval of SEAPs Provide “Help Desk” support Create The CES-MED website used as learning platform Attend events and forums Holding awareness raising Take part in COP 22. 

5 Specific progress July - January 2017 (1)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities NCG and NAs continued leading and guiding the project’s activities Additional cities joining CES-MED and/or to prepare SEAPs individually The National Recommendations Report for Egypt was prepared The preparation of the SECAPs in Jordan in Egypt has started : Challenge with geographical coverage and termination of the work

6 Specific progress July – January 2017 (2)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities Consolidation or setting the SEAP Support Mechanism (SSM) continued in six countries Key funding agencies invited to support the implementation of SEAPs and Project Fiches More website material developed; All project documents and manuals included in the website to become a learning forum

7 Specific progress July – January 2017 (3)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities An international Municipal Financing Expert joined CES-MED to identify external funds for SECAPs A national expert to identify national funds for Tunisia, Lebanon and Algeria First Funding Reports prepared. Recommendations will consolidate and will constitute an updated annex of the initial National Recommendation Reports.

8 Specific progress July - January 2017 (4)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities Municipal Training and Training of Trainers workshops held Country Training to Municipalities participants Training of Trainers Lebanon Head of unions and mayors representing 500 municipalities 30 Jordan 50 mayors and officials 40 Algeria 20 mayors Tunisia 17

9 Specific progress July - January 2017 (5)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities CES-MED has participated in four events in COP 22 and has attended a number of meetings. Regarding affiliation to CoM, 46 municipalities have adhered so far (in addition to Salé) 131 municipalities are planning to In total 23 SEAPs have been prepared and 5 SECAPs are being prepared.

10 Activities planned January – June 2017 (1)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities The Financing Reports will be finalised by (financial experts) with identified opportunities for funding The consolidation of SSM will continue (apart from Egypt & Jordan at this stage) with elaboration on the SSMs’ set-up The update of the National Recommendation Reports, to include the “financing reports” and “step by step” for SSM Funding round tables will be held in Lebanon and Palestine. Potential funding could be identified for SEAP Projects;

11 Activities planned January – June 2017 (2)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities Collaboration with funding agencies and promotion of SEAP projects to continue. Five SECAPs will be prepared for Jordan & Egypt (applying on-the-job training). CAPP workshops will be held to prepare the CAPPs of the SECAPs. Tailored Training & Training of Trainers will be held in Palestine, Israel & Morocco. Link to COM and role of CoM Supporters and Coordinators will be clarified with the creation of COM Global and COM-MED,

12 Activities planned January – June 2017 (3)
Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities The CES-MED website will be updated, maintained, improved and translated. Possibly to become a regional platform and/or to be sustained after the Project. A Sustainability Report will be prepared to propose the Project’s Exit strategy. The ongoing collaboration with JRC to participate in the trainings and review the SECAPs has started and will continue. All SEAPs of cities applying for COM will be submitted and reviewed by JRC.

13 WHAT NEXT ? (1) Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities CES MED has provided tools and training leading to raising capacities and instigating the SEAPs’ model through SSMs, supported by national authorities. Yet the capacities (technical and financial) of cities remain limited and technical support (external and possibly from NAs through SSMs) is still necessary We are putting emphasis on the project exit strategy through the NA/SSMs and in revised Recommendation Reports. A major concern is sustaining the project results, upon its termination. The risk is to lose CES-MED momentum it without continuing support.

14 WHAT NEXT ? (2) Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities A “Bridging” activity linking CES-MED to the action to follow (presumably COM- MED) may need to be considered. One very practical related issue is the “housing of CES-MED website, with its information kit, material and documents upon the termination of the project. We conclude that technical assistance and support should continue, considering that the aim is to create new SEAP Support Mechanisms that are well solidly functioning.

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