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Working Group on Training Coordination

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1 Working Group on Training Coordination
Marian Haire 23 November 2016

2 Training Delivery in 2016 1 Verification of fuel dispensers Pattaya City, Thailand Australia 11–13 July 2016 2 Mass standards Jakarta, Indonesia Japan 30 Aug – 1 Sept 2016 3 Verification of non-automatic weighing instruments Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia 28 Nov–1 Dec 2016 1 Trainers supplied by developing economies: Thailand, Cambodia and Philippines Participants represented both legal and scientific metrology – some issues To be delivered next week with support from Suliana Binti Ghazalli from Malaysia

3 Improvements in course administration
Secretariat capturing procedures for course administration Survey Monkey used to gather feedback Google docs used to distribute training materials Technical member of Secretariat attends all training courses so they can assist trainer when required Website contains some video footage fro NAWI and fuel dispensers Collating country reports to assess degree of implementation of OIML recommendations Summary of procedures trainers are using in each training course Secretariat following up on action plans

4 Work plan for 2017 Course Host Economy Trainers Schedule
Verification of weighbridges China Verification of bulk flow meters for petrol and diesel Thailand Australia 24-28 July 2017 Verification and pattern approval of water meters Malaysia 2017 (3 days) Verification of rice moisture meters ? Joint APMP/APLMF Workshop – Benefits of Metrology  Camilla - convener 22-23 May 2017 Online training based on survey results Secretariat

5 Verification and pattern approval of water meters course Proposed – feedback from WG requested
Course focus Practicalities of testing water meters Operating principles of common water meter types, the relevant tests Typical results and expected failure modes during type approval testing and verification Practical demonstrations if there are available facilities Course content Laboratory design and operation Reference standards and equipment Estimation of measurement uncertainty Meter types and operating principles Test procedures (type approval and initial verification) Analysis of results, acceptance criteria and possible failure modes Test procedures (in-service inspection)

6 Benefits of Metrology Proposed – feedback from WG requested
Workshop focus Enhance opportunities through increased cooperation Compile case studies to demonstrate benefits Greater understanding of challenges facing NMIs and LMOs Develop ideas for web portal Workshop content built around 4 themes Role of metrology within an national quality infrastructure Legislative framework – what should we regulate, how to measure risk Traceability Stakeholder engagement Keynote Case studies/Share best practice Develop concepts for web portal to apply in new areas of metrology

7 MEDEA Project Joint 1 Guide 1
Guide 1 brings scientific and legal metrology together in ONE doc Explain how a measurement infrastructure operates Provides accessibility to the myriad of documents currently available Assists managers to explain benefits of metrology to their governments Seeks ways for scientific and legal metrology to support each other Launch will occur in May 2017 Will combine with raising awareness project (web portal) Invitations to both scientific and legal metrology Professional convenor Outcome - greater understanding of what is possible and increased cooperation

8 MEDEA Project Joint 2 Awareness Raising
Joint web portal Case studies to show how metrology is successful in solving a problem Share best practice Identifying studies that show metrology activities support economic growth and wellbeing Stephen O’Brien to provide more complete report on this project

9 MEDEA Project Joint 3 International cooperation
Ms Weina Che from NIM China spent 1 month at PTB where she analysed the distribution of economies supported by MEDEA in 2016 as follows: under all ten work packages: the MEDEA project has supported 153 participants from 20 different economies (total number of applicants 215, admittance rate: 71 %) under work package APLMF1: the MEDEA project has supported 63 participants from 18 different economies (total number of applicants 96, admittance rate: 66 %) Since the beginning of the MEDEA project in 2014, the project has thereby achieved its largest regional outreach PTB extends the invitation to APLMF members if they have a staff member who could benefit by spending time at PTB.

10 MEDEA Project Joint 4 Strategic Management using Balanced Score Card
Directors use BSC to develop strategic plans Offers online counselling for those working This has not ben a very successful project to date Do you have any feedback on any further support that is required?

11 Beyond 2018 Any suggestions
Think about your economy’s strategic direction Is there a training course we need to provide to support you? Please make your suggestion now

12 Test Procedure Guide Documents Surveys
Trainers produce a summary of the test procedures Secretariat turns this into a survey for economies to complete Secretariat produces a Guide document that shows a table compilation of economy reports at the training could and the results of the survey Guide document provides snapshot of implementation of OIML recommendations within the region Economies get to view guide documents and suggest amendments prior to publication on the website Guide docs reviewed on a regular basis Guide doc used to underpin eLearning modules Kevin Gudmundsson will walk you through the first draft guide

13 Department of Industry, Innovation and Science | National Measurement Institute
36 Bradfield Road Lindfield NSW 2070 Telephone

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