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Heredity Chapter 14.

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1 Heredity Chapter 14

2 Linked Genes Genes may occur in patterns if two loci are on the same chromosome During crossing over, these loci are so close they typically will remain together Ex: blonde hair, blue eyes

3 Chromosome Mapping The farther apart a gene is on a chromosome, the more likely they will cross over Mapping a chromosome is a diagram of the loci the chromosome codes for

4 Karyotype A picture of chromosomes arranged in size order
Used to determine the sex of an individual and to see if there are any chromosomal disorders

5 Karyotype Trisomy karyotype

6 Karyotype Monosomy karyotype
Only 1 14 – cru di chat XO = turners syndromw

7 Sex Chromosomes/Autosomes
Contain genes that determine the sex of an individual (X & Y chromosomes) Autosomes Remaining chromosomes that do not determine sex of an individual (chromosomes 1-22)

8 Sex Determination In mammals, egg cells only contain an X chromosome and sperm can either have an X or Y chromosome If the new baby cell has XX  girl If the new baby cell has XY  boy

9 Gene Location Sex-Linked genes
Characteristics that typically only show up in a certain sex of the organism Ex: color blindness in males Traits that are on one sex chromosome and not the other CB Glasses:

10 Sex Linked Genes Colorblindness X = color vision, XC = colorblindness
Full color vision is dominant over colorblindness X = color vision, XC = colorblindness Colorblind male, color vision female (homozygous) Color vision male, color vision female (heterozygous)

11 Sex Linked Genes Eye Color in Drosophila
Red eyes are dominant over white XR = red eyes , Xr = white eyes Red eyed male, white eyed female White eyed male, red eyed female (heterozygous)

12 X-linked Traits X-Linked traits are usually recessive
Males inherit X from mom which holds a huge amount of base pairs If there is no other X to mask the trait, then the individual shows the X-linked trait Individuals that have one copy of a recessive trait are known as carriers Carriers do not express trait, but can pass to offspring

13 Sex-Influenced Traits
Males and females can show different phenotypes even if genotype is the same Ex: pattern baldness % higher in men due to higher levels of testosterone

14 Pedigrees Diagram that shows how a trait is inherited over generations
Male =  Female = 

15 Pedigrees Horizontal line between a male and female means they are married or have offspring Vertical line between a male and female indicates offspring

16 Pedigree

17 Single-Allele Traits Some traits are controlled by just one single dominant allele Ex: Huntington's disease If individual has one allele for this disease, they have it There are no carriers

18 Mutations Change in a sequence of a gene
Germ-cell mutation (gamete/sex cell) Change in the individual’s gametes May be passed onto offspring Somatic-cell mutation Change in the individual’s body cells and can affect the person Ex: skin cancer

19 Chromosomal Mutation Nondisjunction
When a chromosome fails to split during meiosis (anaphase) and sex cell chromosomes are uneven in number

20 Karyotype Nondisjunction mutations in autosomes

21 Karyotype Nondisjunction mutations in sex chromosomes
Kleinfelter’s syndrome

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