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“Puzzle in a minute”.

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1 “Puzzle in a minute”


3 Guess what?!

4 Let’s get started

5 He conducted a study on language and left-right brain specialization on a patient who had problems with language. Paul Broca, 1861

6 Broca theorized that some language functions reside on the left side of the brain.

7 Roger Sperry He conducted a study for epilepsy, which gave him the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

8 He explained that brain has two hemispheres that perform tasks differently from each other.

9 Analytical, logical, reasoning, and critical thinking.
LEFT HEMISPHERE Performing tasks that were intuitive, creative, and synthesizing; RIGHT HEMISPHERE Analytical, logical, reasoning, and critical thinking. “SPLIT-BRAIN THEORY”



12 “The Triune Brain Theory” Dr. Paul MacLean
Neocortex Limbic system Reptilian complex





17 NEOCORTEX or Rational Brain
For intellectual tasks such as language, planning, abstraction, and perception

18 LIMBIC SYSTEM or The Intermediate Brain
Responsible for the motivation and emotion involved in feeding, reproductive behavior, and parental behavior.

Controls the self-preservation and aggressive behavior of humans similar to the survival instincts of animals.


21 “Brain Dominance Theory” Ned Hermann
People normally have a more dominant part of their body, like a more dominant leg, eye, or arm, which a person often prefers to use.

22 Then You are a Quadrant A Learner
Do you usually analyze data? Are you down to earth? Are you a bit critical? Are you a logical thinker? Do you understand money? Do you work with numbers?

23 Then You are a Quadrant D Learner
Can you vividly imagine things? Do you love to explore? Are you curious? Do you love to do an experiment? Are you flexible? Do you love to conceptualize? Do you need visuals to learn? Are you a risk-taker?

24 Then You are a Quadrant B Learner
Do you get things done? Do you submit on time? Do you create your procedure? Do you plan and organize? Are you neat and organized? Are you reliable in getting things done?

25 Then You are a Quadrant C Learner
Are you a tactile learner? Are you sensitive? Are you emotional? Are you sociable? Are you expressive? Do you share knowledge? Do you use physical movement?

1. Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode –ANALYTICAL 2. Lower left (B) Limbic Mode-ORGANIZED 3. Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode-INTERPERSONAL 4. Upper Right (D) Limbic System-IMAGINATIVE


28 He advocated for whole brain thinking or using the four styles, since most people utilize at least


30 Mind Map Is a diagram used to represent ideas or information branching from a central key word or idea and used as an id in study, organization, problem solving, decision-making, and writing

31 The center image represents the main idea, subject, or focus.
The main branches radiate from the central image. The branches comprise a key image or word drawn or printed on its line. Twigs represents the lesser topics. The branches form a connected nodal structure.

32 Write the title of the subject you are exploring in the center of the page, and draw a circle around it ( as shown in figure 1. the example show how someone is brainstorming the actions needed to deliver a successful presentation.

33 Draw lines out of the center circle to label major subject matters about making presentations, like: audience, topic, visual aids, location and delivery. Draw additional lines that will connect to the lines for major topics. For example, under audience, you would like to describe and list some background information about them such as their demographics, expectations, knowledge levels, concerns, and benefits required.

34 Then, for individual ideas, draw lines out from the appropriate heading line and label them.
As you come across new information, link it in to the mind map appropriately. A complete mind map may have main topic lines radiating in all directions from the center. Sub-topics and facts will branch off these, like branches and twigs from the trunk of a tree. You do not need to worry about the structure you produce , as this will evolve of its own accord.

35 Using Mind Map Effectively
Use single Words or Simple Phrases Print Words Use Color to Separate Different Ideas Use Symbols and Images Use Cross-Linkages

36 Brain Construction

37 Right or Wrong The neocortex is responsible for intellectual tasks such as language, planning, abstraction, and perception.

38 2. Paul Broca theorized that some language functions reside on the left side of the brain.

39 3. The right hemisphere of the brain performs tasks that are intuitive, creative, and synthesizing;

40 4. The left part of the brain is more of critical, logical and analytical thinking. 5. Roger Sperry explained that the brain has two hemispheres that perform tasks differently from each other

41 on how you can improve learning.
Mind Map on how you can improve learning.

42 Assignment Journal Assignment: Following your brain dominance, make a mind map on how you can improve learning.

43 ANY TRIVIA will do, be ready to share it to the class next meeting
Search for a fact about Human Brain. ANY TRIVIA will do, be ready to share it to the class next meeting .

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