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Does a pound of muscle weight more than a pound of fat?

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Presentation on theme: "Does a pound of muscle weight more than a pound of fat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does a pound of muscle weight more than a pound of fat?

2 No, a pound is a pound. However, fat takes up about 4 times as much space as muscle, so its possible to look trimmer but weigh the same.

3 Fat vs Lean Muscle Muscle is more dense than fat, so by volume it may seem to weigh more because it occupies less space. Muscle burns more calories than fat even at rest, so by increasing your muscle, you help your body burn more calories.

4 Fad Diets & Weight Cycling
Name a few “Fad Diets” you are aware of. What is weight cycling? How is it detrimental to your body composition?

5 Weighing more than 10% over the standard weight for height.
Overweight vs Obese Weighing more than 10% over the standard weight for height. Excess body fat, or adipose tissue. Can you be overweight and still be healthy? Can you be obese and still be healthy?

6 Determining a healthy weight
Height and weight charts Body composition: Percentage of fat, muscle and bone in a person’s body. Body Mass Index (BMI): Ratio of weight to height.

7 Look at pages 135 and 136 Compute your BMI using the steps on page 135 then Find where you fall on the height/weight chart on page 136.

8 Hazards to obesity Puts extra strain on the body’s frame/joints (skeletal) Increases the workload on heart (circulatory) List how different body systems could be negatively affect by obesity.

9 Hazards to being underweight
Less protective nutrients More prone to infection Undernourished

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