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Equality and Diversity

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Presentation on theme: "Equality and Diversity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality and Diversity

2 Objectives Critically evaluate teaching and learning methods
Use analytical skills to explore diversity Relate Social and emotional aspects to learning behaviours Collaborate ideas and make change happen

3 INTRODUCTIONS CASSIE PAUL 1 positive 1 negative experience of E & D

4 Music Intro Paul Simon… Diamonds on the soles of her feet What is this song about?

5 Where are we? E & D STATISTICS
Business & professional development Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy Hospitality & Catering Strengths Learning % 8/23 Teaching % 10/23 Assessment /23 Areas for improvement Learning 8.70% 2/23 Teaching 4.35% 1/23 Strengths Learning /27 Teaching /27 Assessment /27 Areas for improvement Learning /27 Teaching /27 Strengths Learning /8 Teaching /8 Assessment /8 Areas for improvement Learning N/A Teaching N/A

6 How did you get on with the 9 dot puzzle?

7 Fundamental British Values
Enable students to develop: Self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence Sense of right from wrong Respect the civil and criminal law of England Responsibility for their behaviour and to show initiative Positive contribution to the college and community General knowledge of public institutions and services in England Tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions Knowledge of the democratic processes

8 DIVERSITY A good curriculum creates specific opportunities for students to develop empathy and understanding around issues UK - £200 International - £10

9 What is Diversity? Trust activity

10 Unconscious bias Level 2 – after time & building relationships they move into COMFY zone Level 1 – hi - ya getting to know – familiar with (biggest number) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 – Our TRUSTED 10

11 Consider this riddle: A father and his son were involved
in a road accident. The father was killed and his son badly injured. The son was rushed to hospital and was immediately admitted to the operating theatre. The surgeon looked shocked and exclaimed : ‘That’s my son on the operating table!’

12 What does good practice look like?
E&D are integrated fully into the learning experience. Teacher manages students’ behaviour skilfully, showing great awareness E&D in the session. Teacher and students model best practice in inclusive language, attitudes, activities & resources Learners encouraged to discuss E&D within the context of the lesson Teacher and students demonstrate mutual respect through use of inclusive language, attitudes, activities and resources.

13 What is Equality? Stepping out!!!!

14 Introducing - SMSC
Debating.  Development of charters and policies relating to mobile phone, racism, xenophobia or bullying based on the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.  Having class, year and school councils.  Effective use of tutorial.  High quality work experience.  The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) of pupils is intrinsic to the subject of Citizenship, as recognized in Ofsted’s latest guidance. Citizenship plays a special role by introducing pupils to topical and often controversial issues, problems and events in society and the wider world. Often the four elements of SMSC inter-relate in the context of these issues.

15 HOW? 1. The electoral system and party politics 2. The constitution and political system 3. Active citizenship & Volunteering 4. Finance, the economy & money 5. Justice, the legal system and international law Pupils should discuss and debate:  How are decisions made?  Why have rules and laws?  What ought to change?  How could I help to improve things?

16 TUTORIAL & TLA Promote – events & celebrate differences
Embed – use naturally occurring opportunities using examples that suit their vocation Culture – show respect, follow rules & respect other religions


18 Song for Georgie Rod Stewart..

19 Embedding Equality & Diversity into the Curriculum
What do you do well and what could you improve?

20 10 steps to success… Acknowledge a problem
Monitor & respond to incidents Develop policies & share fully Challenge Training (SD), Information & support for staff/teams Integrate Use externals (e.g. Stonewall’s Champions) Role models Don’t make assumptions Celebrate achievement in tackling problems (e.g. Staff News) (Adapted from Stonewall’s ‘The Teacher's Report’ 2007)

21 References:

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