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Data-Basics Training and Support

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1 Data-Basics Training and Support
Job Cost Progress Invoicing

2 Overview The Power Point discusses the setup and execution of Progress Billing. This method of billing is done at the Job level (not the workorder level), and must maintain the same Client throughout the duration of the Job.

3 Job Setup Service Compute may NOT be checked and Report ID must be RININV3.

4 Schedule of Values Billing Items tab on the Job
Billing Items constitute your “Schedule of Values.” A simple job may just have one billing item and a complex job may have several billing items plus special “change order” billing items. Billing Items tab on the Job Contract Items tab of the Job in PM Workbench

5 Job Billing Items Bill Item Description will print on invoice schedule. OK to Bill, Fixed Fee, and Allow Extras should be checked. Original contract amount is scheduled amount for this line. Retainage % should be set if applicable for this job.

6 Job Billing Items (2) On Invoicing Tab, Report Sequence can be used to arrange your schedule of values. The Report ID must be RININV3. You may use FF, FFDETAILS, TM, TMDETAILS for you Report Query ID.

7 Change Order For a Change Order, instead of the Original Contract Amount on the Main tab of the Billing Item, use the Change Order tab to specify that this billing item is a Change order by checking the box and using the C.O. Amount. This Change Order will not be billable until a C.O. Date Approved is entered.

8 Record Billing Adjustments

9 Record Billing Adjustments (2)
Enter/choose your Job Enter the End Date. This will determine which entered costs, based on their effective date in job cost history, will be attached to this invoice. You may only move forward with this date with each billing, not backwards. Hit Go to proceed.

10 Record Billing Adjustments (3)
On the Billing tab, enter the cumulative Earned % to date, or the Contract Amount Next Invoice for each billing item. If Stored Material is being billed, include the amount in both the Contract Next Invoice column AND the Stored Material Column. The Retainage % will appear to the right. Zero out retainage % if you intend to bill retainage on this invoice.

11 Record Billing Adjustments (4)
On the Main Tab, enter the Invoice Date and an invoice description if desired for the standard invoice format. Click 1. Compute Taxes, 2. Compute GL, and 3. Ready to Print button. Check the Next Invoice Amount and the GL section for A/R and retainage amounts. Hit Save. The Due Date and Next Invoice ID will autofill.

12 Record Billing Adjustments (5)
The Labor tab will show all labor from Job History that will be attached to this invoice. If any of this labor is to billed Extra to the Contract Amount (Allow Extras must be checked in the Billing Item), you may check the extra box and fill in the Next Inv. Labor Hours and Amount. You will also use this tab if your Billing Item is not Fixed Fee and you are billing this Time and Material. Otherwise, nothing needs to be done on this tab.

13 Record Billing Adjustments (6)
The Other tab will show all other attached Job Cost History and will allow you to bill extra. The General Ledger tab will show what Autofills when you click the Compute GL button on the Main tab. This may be adjusted if necessary. The Taxes tab will show the Revenue and tax (if app) that will hit your Sales Tax Report.

14 Print Progress Invoice
You may print your invoice in any of the 7 available formats. Posting is then done as a separate step.

15 Standard Progress Invoice
Be sure to answer Yes to Printed Okay? after printing so that the status sets to “Ready to Post.”

16 Post Invoices Posting may be done individually using the Job Id filter, or as a batch to post all invoices that have been printed and acknowledged that they printed okay. Regardless of Invoice Date entered during Record Billing Adjustments, the invoices will post to the GL and Job History with the effective date on this screen.

17 Posting Confirmation

18 Registry for Standard Progress Invoice

19 To Print Job Invoices with AIA Bitmap
SAM Pro now supports the printing of standard construction (AIA-style) invoices using a bitmap (form) background on plain paper. By setting up the appropriate user-defined functions and registry entries, you will be able to generate invoices to be distributed to the Owner, Architect and Construction Manager. Initial Setup: 1. SAM Pro Version You must be running a current version of SAM Pro version or higher. 2. Import the Report If you have not already done so, import the updated raia.rpt (dated 7/03/2008 or later) into your database. 3. Create the User-Defined Functions You must create user-defined functions for each report version (Owner, Architect and Construction Manager) that you wish to print. These functions must all point at report raia.rpt. The reason that you need three of them is so that the appropriate bitmap back will be linked to each.

20 User-Defined Functions
Examples: User Defined Function for Invoice Distributed to Owner: Function Id: RAIA_Owner Function Name: Report AIA Invoice - Owner Report Id: RAIA Menu Category: Report User Defined Function for Invoice Distributed to Architect: Function Id: RAIA_Architect Function Name: Report AIA Invoice Architect User Defined Function for Invoice Distributed to Construction Manager: Function Id: RAIA_CM Function Name: Report AIA Invoice Construction Manager

21 User-Defined Functions

22 Registry Settings Next, create the registry entries that will point each of the functions to their applicable bitmaps. In addition to the contents listed below, you may also wish to specify the appropriate document archiving entry (see the next screen for an example). Examples (using standard bitmaps): Registry Entry for Invoice Distributed to Owner: Registry Id: sys-report-RAIA_Owner Registry Name: Report AIA Invoice - Owner Contents/Additional Content: bitmap=\\sharepath\standard_construction_owner.bmp sectionbackerbitmap=\\sharepath\standard_construction_continuation.bmp Registry Entry for Invoice Distributed to Architect: Registry Id: sys-report-RAIA_Architect Registry Name: Report AIA Invoice - Architect bitmap=\\sharepath\standard_construction_architect.bmp User Defined Function for Invoice Distributed to Construction Manager: Registry Id: sys-report-RAIA_CM Registry Name: Report AIA Invoice - Construction Mgr bitmap=\\sharepath\standard_construction_cm.bmp

23 Registry Settings Note: the
autosavefilename=^sectionkeyvalue^ and autosavebysection=true options are NOT functional for this report.

24 Sample Bitmap - Owner

25 Sample Bitmap: Continuation Sheet

26 Setup - Continued 5. Folders Viewer Links (optional)
You may wish to include links on your Folders Invoicing page to each of your construction invoices. Contact your Data-Basics support representative for assistance in setting these up. 6. Jobs Set Up The Invoice Report Id on the Job must be set to a construction-type report (e.g., RININV3), NOT RAIA. In addition to the fields calculated by SAM Pro, the following fields are used to complete the informational sections of the invoices: To Owner: Job Invoice Name Job Invoice Street Job Invoice City, State Zip From Contractor: Company Name (from Registry) Company Address (from Registry) Contractor for Purchase Order: Job PO Project: Job Invoice Description OR Job Name Job Id Client Site Name Client Site Shipping Address Date of Contract: Job Date Contract Signed Period To: Invoice Date Contractor By: Company Name Registry Date: Invoice Date

27 Printing the AIA-Style Invoice
The Job must be in a state of Ready to Print (by processing in Record Billing Adjustments). Print the invoice from the Reports menu or Folders viewer (if implemented). Note that the applicable notary information may be specified. If you elect to use the Start Generate Purchase Orders function as part of your requisitioning process, note that it uses the Vendor Id on the Inventory Item’s Purchasing tab. This field should be completed for all items that might be requisitioned.

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