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Chapter 5 An Overview of the Purchasing Function

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 An Overview of the Purchasing Function"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 An Overview of the Purchasing Function

2 Purchasing Activities
Determine when to order Control inventory levels Establish quality standards Determine specifications Obtain competitive bids

3 Purchasing Activities, Continued
Investigate vendors Arrange financial terms Oversee delivery Negotiate refunds Handle adjustments Arrange for storage

4 Purchasing Activities Center On:
Recipe development Menu development Specification writing Approval of buying source Designation of approved brands Supplier evaluation

5 Purchasing Activities Center On:
Negotiation Change of suppliers Change of brands Substitution Approval of new products Invoice approval Payment Order placement with supplier

6 MINIMUM Purchasing Activities
Selection and procurement plan Determine requirements Supplier selection Sourcing Maintain a convenient and sufficient inventory Conduct negotiations Research activities Value analysis Forecasting What-if analysis Make or buy Plant visits

7 Research activities Value analysis Forecasting What-if analysis
Make or buy Plant visits

8 MINIMUM Purchasing Activities
Maintain supplier diplomacy Educate the suppliers Purchase, receive, store and issue products Disposal of excess and unsaleable items Recycling Record-keeping controls Organize and administer the purchasing function Self improvement Help competitors

9 Maintain an adequate supply
Minimize investment Maintain quality Obtain the lowest EP cost Maintain the company’s competitive position

10 Problems of the Buyer Backdoor selling Wastes of time
Responsibility vs. authority and time Working with other departments Late deliveries, substitutions, and back orders Receiving and storage inadequacies

11 Copyright ©2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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