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Data collection process Mapping of Broadband Services in Europe First Stakeholder Consultation Workshop 7th June 2016 Eric Delannoy Mission France.

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Presentation on theme: "Data collection process Mapping of Broadband Services in Europe First Stakeholder Consultation Workshop 7th June 2016 Eric Delannoy Mission France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data collection process Mapping of Broadband Services in Europe First Stakeholder Consultation Workshop 7th June Eric Delannoy Mission France Très Haut Débit – Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs

2 Presentation of test data Proposals for data collection process
Agenda Presentation of test data Proposals for data collection process

3 Test data from the national mapping exercise
Operators CEREMA Network data collection Geolocated address database Bandwidth assessment for each address Broadband map creation Web publishing Maps & stats Test data provided : household BB coverage For each NUTS-3 area For each municipality

4 Test data provided – format
Households broadband coverage per NUTS-3 area NUTS-3 d_c_f_1 d_c_f_2 d_c_f_3 d_c_f_4 d_c_f_5 d_c_1 d_c_2 01 100% 90% 79% 44% 27% 99% 83% 02 82% 69% 22% 1% 03 86% 75% 30% 5% 85% 04 98% 84% 68% 26% 05 66% 28% 3% 06 93% 55% 92% 07 81% 65% 24% 08 80% 70% 29% 4% 09 71% 10 72% 11 74% 12 21% With: d : DSL, c : Cable and f : FTTH with all possible combinations 1 : BB eligibility, 2 : >3Mbps downlink speed, 3 : >8 Mbps, 4 : >30 Mbps and 5 : >100 Mbps

5 Tuv analysis on provided data set
NUTS / GRID ID QoS Type Technology Internet Access Provider Value type Value subtype Values ID 1 Group: All/Unknown Availability Households Infrastructure Min 2 Group: Wired Availability Inhabitants Speed Down Max 3 Group: Wireless Availability Area Speed Up Average Group: Mobile Availability Addresses Latency Median Group: NGA Availability Roads Jitter Group 1 Single: DSL/ADSL Take-up Packet loss Group 2 Single: CATV Measurement Only Data Usage Group 3 Single: FTTC/VDSL Measurement Comparison Group 4 Single: FTTH/B Group 5 Single: UMTS/3G Number of measurements Single: LTE/4G Number of Operators (physical) Single: 2G Number of Operators (virtual) Single: WiMAX/WLAN Names of Operators (physical) Single: Satellite Names of Operators (virtual)

6 Other information CSV Table format
Data updated quarterly, based on voluntary provision of data by operators Data available at the municipality level Data to be available at the address level depending on an agreement with operators Availability of WiMax coverage and plan to add UMTS and LTE coverage by the end of 2016

7 Presentation of test data Proposals for data collection process
Agenda Presentation of test data Proposals for data collection process

8 Adaptation of data provided to the EC platform
The data provided by the Mission Très Haut Débit can be adapted to fit the requirements of the EC platform: Add of NUTS-3 ID Adaptation of coverage statistics with groups of speed chosen for the EC platform Making of statistics using the 1km grid proposed for the EC platform Possibility to provide additional format Need for a clarification of speeds chosen for the platform in order to adapt the national mapping workflow

9 Provision of meta-data
One the most valuable benefit of the EC mapping exercise is to provide precise and comparable data between member states and NUTS-3 areas To enable this, the user should have the information on the precision of the data and how the numbers are calculated It does not always make sense to compare data without the same level of precision Proposal for meta-data Resolution of raw data (i.e. the number of geolocated points at the national level for each technologies) How incomplete data is handled? Which assumptions are made during the process of calculating the values?

10 Clarification of technology items
It could be useful to provide precise definition for each technology in order to avoid misunderstanding or double counting. Example of useful clarification: Should VDSL from the MDF be included in FTTC-VDSL or only VDSL from Cabinets? Is HFC considered as FTTB or CATV or both, as the HFC-node is often located in buildings basements? Is a copper line with less than 30Mbps downlink speed but connected to a VDSL enabled cabinet considered as FTTC-VDSL or NGA?

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