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Chapter 8 Selection. chapter 8 Selection Selection – the process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who.

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2 chapter 8 Selection

3 Selection – the process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position available, considering current environmental conditions

4 Internal Environmental Factors Influencing Selection
Organization characteristics that can influence the selection process: Size Complexity Technological volatility Attitude about hiring from within

5 External Environmental Factors Influencing Selection
Federal government employment laws and regulations State-specific regulations Size, composition, and availability of local labor markets Economic, social, and political pressures on a community

6 Selection Ratio Used by HRM staff to evaluate the effects of the labor market on selection decisions

7 Selection Criteria Experience and Formal Education Past Performance
Physical Characteristics Personal Characteristics and Personality Type 4

8 Reliability of Selection Criteria
Reliability – how stable or repeatable a measurement is over a variety of testing conditions How to assess reliability: Test-retest reliability Alternative-form reliability Inter-rater reliability

9 Validity of Selection Criteria
Validity – addresses the questions of: What a selection tool measures How well it has measured it It is not sufficient for a selection tool to be reliable The selection tool must also be valid

10 Types of Validity (1 of 2) Content Validity – degree to which a test, interview, or performance evaluation measures the skill, knowledge, or ability to perform Construct Validity – extent to which a selection tool actually measures the unobservable trait that it claims to measure

11 Types of Validity (2 of 2) Criterion-Related Validity – extent to which a selection technique can accurately predict one or more important elements of job behavior Predictive Validity Concurrent Validity

12 Steps in the Selection Process
4. Background and Reference Checks 5. Selection Decision 6. Physical Examination 2. Employment Interview 3. Employment Tests 1. Preliminary Screening 5

13 Typical Selection Decision Process
1. Preliminary screening Application blank Biographical Information Blank Interview 2. Employment interview 3. Employment tests 4. Background & reference checks 5. Selection decision 6. Physical examination

14 Preliminary Screening
Application blanks Useful selection tools Subject to same legal standards as any other selection method Biographical information blank (BIB) Weighted application blank

15 Employment Interview Two strategies for effective us of interviews:
1. Structuring the interview to be reliable and valid 2. Training managers on best interview techniques Unstructured interview Structured interview Behavioral description interview (BDI) Situational interview (SI)

16 Employment Tests (1 of 2) Mechanism that attempts to measure certain characteristics of individuals, e.g., aptitudes manual dexterity intelligence personality Should be validated before being used to make hiring decisions

17 Employment Tests (2 of 2) Job sample performance tests
Cognitive ability tests Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Wonderlinc Personnel Test California Test of Mental Maturity (adult level) Psychomotor ability simulations Personality inventories and temperament tests Polygraph and honesty tests

18 Reference Checks and Recommendations
Do not always provide an organization with meaningful information about applicants Concerns over the legality of asking for and providing confidential information about applicants Legal status surrounding reference-checking and providing recommendations is not clear

19 Physical Examinations
Should be required only after a conditional offer of employment has been made Can be used to screen out unqualified individuals Careful adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act If used, all individuals who are conditionally offered employment should be required to have one

20 Drug Testing (1 of 2) Reliability of drug tests are a major concern
False positives Personal consequences of being falsely labeled as a drug user Legality of drug-testing programs has not been universally established

21 Drug Testing (2 of 2) Steps to make good-faith drug testing program legally acceptable: Inform all job applicants of the organization’s drug-testing screening program Establish a high-quality control testing procedure with a reliable testing laboratory Perform any drug tests in a professional, non-threatening manner Keep all results confidential

22 Selection of Managers Assessment center
several interviews work samples simulations paper-and-pencil tests of abilities and attitudes Individuals evaluated on many dimensions Shown to be a valid way to select managers

23 Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Selection Decision
Organizational Utility Statistical Utility

24 Summary The way that an organization hires employees is directly tied to other HR programs The linkage with training is important Putting more money into selection can significantly reduce the amount of money it must spend on training A selection system will make some mistakes No guarantee of successful job performance

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