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Overview of: Part 2 of E-Learning Project Cooperative Project

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of: Part 2 of E-Learning Project Cooperative Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of: Part 2 of E-Learning Project Cooperative Project
Week 2 Overview of: Part 2 of E-Learning Project Cooperative Project

2 Week 2: Agenda Introducing our online avatars to the class
Part 2 Deliverables: Module Description and Outline Cooperative Project Deliverables Questions? Reminders: E-Learning Project Part 1: E-Leaning Module Proposal Due: June 16, 2013 Cooperative Project Title and 100 word abstract Due: June 16, 2013

3 Part 1: E-Learning Module Proposal
The E-Learning Module Proposal is Due on June 16, 2013. It includes the following elements: Introduction Instructional Goal Objectives Intended Audience Learning Context Summary

4 Introduction of our Avatars
Rene Corbeil in First Life Rcorbeil Unplugged in Second Life

5 Part 2 of E-Learning Project Module Description and Outline

6 Module Description and Outline
The Module Description and Outline page is similar to a course syllabus. It includes the following elements: Module/Course Description Instructional Goal Objectives Required Text(s) Computer/Technical Requirements Assignments Grading Topical Outline

7 Module Description and Outline
The Topical Outline is a breakdown of the course content by lesson. Your E-Learning Module will have 4 lessons. The Outline should be presented in tabular form and include: Lesson # Topic Bulleted list of subtopics addressed in the lesson.

8 Lesson Descriptions Your E-Learning Module will be broken down into 4 discrete lessons. Each Lesson must include the following: Lesson 0verview Graded Assignment 10 Question Quiz Discussion Question Multimedia Element Be mindful of the required graded activities when describing how learners will be graded. Each lesson will include: (1) a graded assignment, (2) quiz, and (3) discussion question.

9 Cooperative Project

10 The Cooperative Teams EDTC 6325. 01
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Norma Rodriguez Adam Hovde Isabel Garcia Christine Hinde Diana Arcuate Tom Dolan Valree Martinez Cora Mendez Maria Martinez Melizza Garcia Jessica Burnias Heather Luna Isabel Cabrera April Canales Santos Alvarado Dara Cepeda Christine Claudio

11 The Cooperative Teams EDTC 6325. 02
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Maricela Gonzalez Sean Getchell Chris Hilgeman Kevin Spurgin Christine Pintor Mario Ortiz Alberto Rodriguez Saul Mendiola Alberto Gonzalez Romel Palomares Ernie Vela Marivel Garcia Sergio Perez Gayle Robinson Georgina Salas Christine Ximenes

12 The Cooperative Project
You will conduct research on a 3-D virtual environment to analyze its potential for instructional and/or training applications. Document your work in a Wiki using PBworks ( Put together a 5-10 minute narrated multimedia presentation. Wiki created in PBworks Narrated Multimedia Presentation

13 The Report and Presentation
Provide an overview of the research and theory, including research cited in the textbook, to support the utilization of Second Life as a tool for teaching and learning. Describe 3 interesting and useful educational/training resources. Describe the team's experiences interacting in Second Life and perceptions of Second Life as a instructional platform. Lead the class on a Second Life fieldtrip to a site that is being used effectively in delivering instruction in an e-learning, higher education, or corporate environment. Include at least 10 screenshots of the team interacting in Second Life in various contexts (video, if available is always nice). Provide a list of all resources used in creating the report and multimedia presentation. All resources should be cited both in-text and in a References section and must be in APA format.

14 Grading Important Dates
Group Wiki: The entire group effort will be documented using PBworks (see (5 Points) Research Report: The team will conduct research on a 3-D virtual environment to analyze its potential for teaching and/or training applications. (10 Points) Group Presentation: The team will document their findings and experiences through a 5-10 minute narrated multimedia presentation. (10 Points) Important Dates June 16, 2013: Register for Second Life Account. June 16, 2013: Submit Cooperative Project Title and 100 word abstract. June 17- July 21, 2013: Lead the class in a Second Life Field Trip. July 28, 2013: Submit Cooperative Project (report and multimedia presentation).

15 Registering for a Second Life Account
The teams will use Second Life and its collaborative tools to meet, plan, prepare, and present their reports and presentations. Select your user name carefully. Once chosen, it can't be changed. For your first name, use a combination of your first initial + last name or first name + initial of last name. Then select an appropriate last name from the list provided. Example, my avatar's name = Rcorbeil Unplugged.

16 Questions?

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