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Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo U)

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Presentation on theme: "Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo U)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo U)
Radiative corrections and enhanced power corrections for the shape function in inclusive B decays Kazuhiro Tanaka (Juntendo U) H. Kawamura (RIKEN) J. Kodaira (KEK)

2 OPE Light-cone expansion

3 形状 関数 unknown ⇒factorization formula perturbative nonperturbative
Bigi et al. (’94), Neubert (’94) Korchemsky, Sterman (’94) Bauer, Pirjol, Sterwart (’02) perturbative nonperturbative 形状 関数 unknown

4 Shape function

5 Loop corrections for RG evolution
Grozin, Korchemsky (’96) Bauer,Manohar (’04), Bosch et al. (’04)

6 Cusp divergence Polyakov (’80) Korchemsky (’89)

7 Korchemsky, Sterman (’94)
Bauer, Manohar (’04)

8 Solution of RG eq. IR renormalon ambiguity have to be compensated by the power corrections from nonperturbative effects:

9 Tree-level matching ● Economic way: Kawamura,Kodaira,Tanaka, Prog.Theor.Phys. 113 (’05)183 Eq. of motion constraints on nonlocal operator ⇒ nonlocal op. basis Taylor expand in the final step ⇒ independent set

10 Light-cone expansion Nachtmann corr.

11 4-particle correlation!!

12 new enhanced power corrections
independent set


14 One-loop matching

15 Background field method:
● to minimize complication due to alien operators ● to maximize gauge invariance in Feynman rules Background field method: Fock-Schwinger gauge

16 Grozin, Korchemsky (’96) [coincide with Bauer, Manohar (‘04), consistent with Bosch, Lange, Neubert, Paz (‘04)]

17 ● check of cancellation of IR divergence


19 Summary


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