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Principles of Management Learning Session # 10 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Management Learning Session # 10 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Management Learning Session # 10 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar

2 Re-cap of Session # 9

3 Quantitative Operations Research Operations Management MIS

4 Quantitative Management Viewpoint
‘Focuses on Mathematics, Statistics and Information Aids to support managerial decision making and organizational effectiveness.’

5 Quantitative Management Viewpoint
1.Management Science or Operations Research ‘Approach aimed at increasing decision effectiveness through use of sophisticated Mathematical models & Statistical methods.’

6 Quantitative Management Viewpoint
2. Operations Management ‘Function or field of expertise primarily responsible for managing Production & Delivery of an organisation’s Products and Services.’

7 Quantitative Management Viewpoint
3. Management information systems (MIS) ‘Field of Management focused on designing & implementing computer-based information systems for use by management.’

8 Contemporary Systems Theory Contingency Theory Emerging Theories
(Theory Z, TQM, KM, LO)

9 Contemporary viewpoints
1. Systems theory ‘Approach based on the idea that organisations can be viewed as systems.’

10 Contemporary viewpoints
2. Contingency theory ‘Viewpoint arguing that appropriate managerial action depends on the particular parameters of the situation.’

11 Contemporary viewpoints
3. Emerging Theories Theory Z ‘Concept combining positive aspects of American and Japanese management styles into a modified approach aimed at increasing managerial effectiveness while remaining compatible with the norms and values of society and culture.’

12 Contemporary Viewpoints
3. Emerging Theories Total Quality Management (TQM) ‘Approach highlighting collective responsibility for product and service quality, and encouraging individuals to work together to improve quality.’

13 Contemporary Viewpoints
3. Emerging Theories Knowledge Management (KM) ‘Art of creating value from organization’s intangible assets

14 Contemporary Viewpoints
3. Emerging Theories Learning Organization (LO) ‘An organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change.

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