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Segundo Año de Bachillerato UNIT I: Meeting Famous People Around the World LESSON 2: LIFE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Segundo Año de Bachillerato UNIT I: Meeting Famous People Around the World LESSON 2: LIFE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Segundo Año de Bachillerato UNIT I: Meeting Famous People Around the World LESSON 2: LIFE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE

2 AGENDA. ACTIVITY # 1: Recalling previous learning. ACTIVITY # 2: WARM-UP: Do you participate in any of these activities? ACTIVITY # 3: Complete the paragraph below using the words and phrases in the box. ACTIVITY # 4: Reading ACTIVITY # 5: LANGUAGE IN USE ACTIVITY # 6: WRAP-UP

PURPOSE: To tell some topics you remember from last topic. INSTRUCTIONS: Work in pairs. Discuss the questions presented on the next slide. Check answers with all the class.

4 ACTIVITY # 1: QUESTIONS What are some topics that you learned from last topic? What was something difficult for you to practice from last topic? What was something easy for you to practice from last topic?

5 ACTIVITY # 2: Warm-up: Do you participate in any of these activities?
PURPOSE: To guess the name of a specific activity. INSTRUCTIONS: Work individual. Listen to the sentences about hobbies. Give the correct name of the activity. Try to write the sentences you listen to. Finally, answer the questions in next slide.

6 ACTIVITY # 2: WARM UP: Do you participate in any of these activities?

1. What is your favorite soccer team? 2. Are you able to play any musical instruments? 3. When was the last time you rode a bike? 4. What is your favorite sport? 5. Do you know how to swim?

8 ACTIVITY # 3: Complete the paragraph using words and phrases from the box.
PURPOSE: To choose the correct word and complete a paragraph. INSTRUCTIONS: Work individual. Read the paragraph. Write the number in the correct square in the chart.

9 Great waves are a Salvadoran natural resource.
ACTIVITY # 3: Complete the paragraph using words and phrases from the box. TEMPERATURE SURFING TAKE ADVANTAGE WAVES COAST LINE YEAR ROUND Great waves are a Salvadoran natural resource. In El Salvador, _(1)_ is perhaps the most popular water sport. The 307 kilometers of _(2)_ have some of the best _(3)_ for surfing in Central America. Unlike places such as California, where the water is often too cold for swimming, the water _(4)_ in El Salvador is comfortable _(5)_. Many tourists visit El Salvador from all over the world to enjoy the beaches and _(6)_ of the excellent surf conditions.

10 ACTIVITY # 4: READING Work in pairs. Read and listen to the paragraph.
PURPOSE: To analize and reflect about a relevant Salvadoran personality. INSTRUCTIONS: Work in pairs. Read and listen to the paragraph. Look up for new words in the dictionary. Answer questions about the reading. Finally, discuss your answers with the class.

11 ACTIVITY # 4: Read the following passage about Monsignor Romero.( Look up any new words in a dictionary). Óscar Arnulfo Romero was born in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador, August 15, He was assassinated in San Salvador, March 24, 1980, known as Monsignor Romero, was a Salvadoran Catholic priest and the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador ( ). He became famous for his preaching in defense of human rights and was killed in the exercise of his pastoral ministry. As archbishop, in his Sunday homilies reported numerous violations of human rights and publicly expressed his solidarity with the victims of political violence in his country. His assassination sparked international protest to demand respect for human rights in El Salvador. Within the Catholic Church considered him a bishop who defended the "preferential option for the poor." In one of his homilies, Romero said: "The Church's mission is to identify with the poor and the Church finds its salvation." (11 November 1977). In 1994, a cause for canonization was opened by his successor Arturo Rivera y Damas. From this process, Romero has received the title of Servant of God. In Latin America, many refer to him as Saint Romero of America. Outside the Catholic Church, Romero is honored by other religious denominations of Christendom, including the Anglican Communion which has included him in his saints. He is one of ten twentieth century martyrs depicted in statues of Westminster Abbey in London, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

12 (Continue) ACTIVITY # 4 : Answer the following questions about the reading.
1. According to the reading, how old was Monsignor Romero when he became the fourth arcbishop of San Salvador? 2. What did he say in November 11th , 1977 ? 3. In Latin America, how do many people refer to him? 4. When was he nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? 5. When was he assassinated?

13 ACTIVITY # 5: LANGUAGE IN USE PURPOSE:Voiced and unvoiced consonants
INSTRUCTIONS: Review the chart below and listen to the pronunciation. Verbs ending with an unvoiced sound Verb Past participle/ simple past WALK WALKED MISS MISSED RAP RAPPED FINISH FINISHED Verbs ending with a voiced sound MUG MUGGED FIZZ FIZZED ROB ROBBED DREAM DREAMED

14 ACTIVITY # 6: Listen to the pronunciation of words.
PURPOSE: How is the -ed ending pronounced in each word? INSTRUCTIONS: For each word below decide if the –ed ending is “voiced” or “unvoiced”. Follow the example. Example: talked Answer: unvoiced (Because the letter k at the end of the word “talk” is an unvoiced sound.) 1. worked rubbed (received) 3. kissed laughed (expressed) 5. behaved watched (honored) 7. cried painted (reported) 9. surfed pulled (included)

15 ACTIVITY # 7: –ed ending of voiced or unvoiced words.
PURPOSE: Decide if the –ed ending of the highlighted word is voiced or unvoiced. INSTRUCTIONS: Work individual. Listen to each sentence. decide if the –ed ending of the highlighted word is voiced or unvoiced. Check answers with all the class.

Instructions: Read each sentence and decide if the – ed ending of the highlighted word is voiced or unvoiced. 1. The movie theater was very crowded. 2. She has never been kissed. 3. He was always dehydrated after exercising. 4. The clothes have dried. 5. The game has already started.

To discuss your ideas about today’s class. INSTRUCTIONS: What did you learn today? What topics did you discuss in today’s class? What was difficult for you to understand? What was easy for you to understand? Do you have any comments?

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