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TVRWRF 23 MGD Expansion Change Order No. 16

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1 TVRWRF 23 MGD Expansion Change Order No. 16
Bruce Mitzel, P.E. September 28, 2017

2 Agenda Change Order No. 16 Change Order Proposal (COP) No. 036.2
Total price, itemized pricing, reasons for change Change Order Proposal (COP) No

3 Change Order No. 16 – Closed Transition and Electrical
Change Order No. 16 $488, Includes: COP No Closed Transition and Power Monitoring $261, COP No Electrical and Controls Revisions $227,581.00

4 COP No COP Purpose: RFI 103, Part 2 of 2 , Closed Transition and Power Monitoring Total Cost: $261,294.88 Changes: Item Description Cost Purpose Fiber Optic Cabling $30,615 The contract documents included Appendix H, which is a fiber optic back bone system for Plants 1 and 2. The Appendix H drawings have District Staff completing a portion of the work. The District requested the Contractor complete the omitted work in order to have a complete and operational system with the standard one year warranty. MSB-3 and MSB-4 Modifications for Closed Transition $31,986 The generator supplier needed to make revisions at MSB-3 and MSB-4 to make closed transition fully operational. Closed transition allows the District to reconnect from emergency standby power back to the SCE electrical grid without an equipment shutdown. MSB-3 & MSB-4 Modifications / Plant SCADA for Power Monitoring $72,716 MSB-3 & 4 changes included relocation of annunciators, added signal cable, breaker revisions, added CTs and power metering for blowers, and added power circuits. Breaker revisions required to complete closed transition, remaining were to complete power monitoring design. Main Switchgear Modifications / Closed Transition $125,978 The District made revisions to the main switchgear to assist with closed transition, to provide flexibility associated with future co-generation and SCE Rule 21 requirements, and to provide a backbone, allowing District Staff the ability to accommodate a future dedicated SCADA Power Monitoring System that is separate from Plant SCADA.

5 COP No. 055.1 COP Purpose: Electrical and Controls Revisions
Total Cost: $227,581.00 Changes: Item Description Cost Purpose Bar Screen Speed Controls $3,800 Added in conduit/wire to allow speed to be adjusted by SCADA depending on channel levels versus based upon set cycle/duration timer to match existing. Air Scour Lights $3,000 Added lighting in Air Scour Facility as no lights were shown in original design. Duct Bank/Direct Buried Cable $121,381 Replaces direct buried cable with concrete encased ductbank. COP No. 033 included cable, not in line with District standards. CCB Control Panels $81,000 Relocated CCB control panels from multiple sources around the RWRF to single source. LCP vs. FPP Replacement / Beavens $18,400 Replaced (2) FPP with LCP for the Fine Screens and Air Scour to incorporate into overall plant fiber ring.

6 Summary of Change Orders to Date

7 Contact Information Bruce Mitzel, P.E. Director of Field Engineering (951) Ext. 4476

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