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Leadership – A Public Health and Community Nutrition Priority

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership – A Public Health and Community Nutrition Priority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership – A Public Health and Community Nutrition Priority

2 Disclosures Samia Hamdan, MPH, RDN: No disclosures.
Shannon Robson, PhD, MPH, RD: Consultant Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN)

3 The Committee for Public Health and Community Nutrition
Doris C. Fredericks, Med, RD, FADA Michele Gurerrero, RD Phyllis Stell Crowley, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC, CD Tiffani L. Grant, MS, RD Tamara Randall, MS, RDN, LD, CDE, FAND Diane Juskelis, MS, RD, LDN Claire A. Heiser, MS, RD Mya Wilson, MPH, MBA Mary Pat Raimondi, MS, RD Samia Hamdan, MPH, RDN Shannon Robson, PhD, MPH, RD

4 Purpose of the CPHCN The Committee works with Academy organizational units supporting current issues and future activities that impact the profession. To support this work the Committee seeks input and feedback from Academy members.

5 Leadership in Public Health Nutrition
Leadership in public health nutrition is important for: job advancement/workforce development; securing federal funding for public health nutrition programs; decision making abilities; and recognition of the PH RDN as the public health nutrition expert.

6 Objectives Information generated will be used to:
Identify the link between leadership development and career advancement for public health and community nutrition professionals. Describe the rationale and key strategies for encouraging RDNs to assume leadership roles in Public Health and Community Nutrition in the field. Understand the career opportunities for RDN’s within Public Health and Community Nutrition.

7 Session Outline Round Table Discussion I 20 minutes Report Out
Round Table Discussion II 25 minutes Wrap up/Questions 5 minutes

8 Roundtable Discussion Format
At your tables, designate the following: Scribe Facilitator Reporter Be sure everyone has a chance to voice their opinion.

9 Roundtable Discussion I
What does leadership mean for you? What are the gaps or challenges in leadership development in public health/community nutrition professions? Take 20 minutes to discuss these two questions then be prepared to report out.

10 Roundtable Discussion II
Where are the opportunities for leadership in public health/community nutrition? What is needed to build leadership development in the profession of public health/community nutrition? If a needs assessment on leadership in the public health/community nutrition workforce were to be conducted, what information should be collected (what specific questions should be asked)? Take 25 minutes to discuss these three questions then be prepared to report out.

11 Questions?

12 Thank you for your participation!

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