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Skeletal System.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System

2 Functions of the skeletal system
Framework Support/protect internal organs Body movement Provides leverage for lifting and movement through the attachment of muscles

3 Functions of the skeletal system
Produce blood cells Red blood cells and some white blood cells Stores the majority of the body’s calcium supply

4 Bone Composition & Growth
Osteoblasts: Cells in bone tissue produce new cells Osteoclasts: Cells that break bone cells down Resorption

5 Accessory Structures Cartilage: Ligaments Tendons
Fibrous connective tissue On end surfaces to prevent friction Ligaments Sheet of fibrous tissue Attaches bone to bone Tendons Attaches muscle to bone

6 Bone Tissue Compact bone Cancellous Hard dense part of bone
Loosely packed or spongy

7 Axial skeleton Consists of Skull Spinal column Ribs sternum

8 Appendicular skeleton
Upper extremities Shoulder Arms Forearms Wrists Hands

9 Appendicular skeleton
Lower extremities Hips Thighs Legs Ankles feet Pelvis

10 Four groups of bone Long Short Length is greater than the width Femur
Blocky bones Similar length/width Wrist (carpal) and ankle (tarsal ) bones

11 Four groups of bone Flat Irregular
Composed of two layers with spongy bone between them scapula and skull Irregular Bones of complex shape and structure Facial and vertebrae bones

12 Bones of the Skull Cranium: encloses the brain (skull) Frontal
forehead Parietal Roof and upper sides of cranium Occipital Posterior floor and walls of cranium Temporal Sides and base of cranium

13 Bones of the Skull Mandible Maxilla Lower jaw bone Only moveable bone
Upper jaw bone

14 Thorax Rib cage True ribs False ribs Floating ribs Ribs Sternum
Thoracic vertebra True ribs Attached to sternum False ribs Attached to ribs above Floating ribs Attached to vertebrae only

15 Spinal Column Vertebral column 26 vertebrae Types of vertebrae
Cervical-7 Neck Thoracic-12 Chest Lumbar-5 Lower back Largest and strongest

16 Spinal Column Sacrum Coccyx Triangular shaped Base of spine Tail bone
End of spine

17 Structures of the Long Bone

18 Structures of bones Long Bone
Diaphysis Long shaft of bone Epiphysis Ends of long bone Medullary canal Cavity w/in diaphysis Contains either yellow or red marrow

19 Structures of bones Tissues of a bone Periosteum Endosteum
Outer covering of bone Layer promote bone growth (ossification) nutrition, and repair Endosteum Lines medullary canal

20 Structures of bones Bone marrow Red bone marrow Yellow bone marrow
Manufactures RBCs & WBCs Ribs, sternum, vertebrae, scapula, ends of long bones Yellow bone marrow Functions as fat storage

21 Blood cells Erythrocytes Leukocytes Thrombocytes Carry O2 and CO2
Fight infection Thrombocytes clotting

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