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2 Objectives You will make a list of influences on personal core values with a partner in class. You will write definitions of and rank in order of importance to you each of the 8 core values on your own in class

3 Agenda – Values Class #1 Luck of the Draw Discussion: what are values
Think-Pair-Share with partners: list of 5 influences on values (in other words…where do you get your values from) Individually define and rank each of the 8 values Discussion of definitions as a class Summarizer: Exit slips

4 Values: Where do you get them from?
Parents Family Friends Media Culture Community Religion Experience

5 COMPASSION Sympathy or sorrow for the suffering of others often accompanied by an urge to help Examples of professions: Medical professions Therapists Social services

6 COURAGE Facing difficulty, danger, or uncertainty or anything recognized as dangerous or painful, instead of withdrawing from it Examples of courageous professions: Firefighters Police Military Surgeons Pilots

7 DEPENDABILITY Able to be trusted to act in the way required or expected; reliability Professions requiring dependability: ALL?? 

8 FAIRNESS Being just and honest, impartial; unprejudiced; free from discrimination; according to the rules Professions where fairness highly valued: Judge Referees, Umpires Teachers

9 HONESTY Refraining from lying, cheating,or stealing; sincerity, fairness, straightforwardness

10 LOYALTY Feeling of devotion, duty or attachment to someone or something; state of being faithful; in adherence to a person, government, or cause

11 RESPECT To hold in high regard; to feel or show honor or esteem; to show consideration for; courteous regard

12 RESPONSIBILITY Accountable for one’s behavior; able to distinguish between right and wrong; readily assumes obligations and duties;

13 AGENDA Values Class #2 Luck of the Draw
8 core values…how do they come into play in dilemma situations? Individually, then in groups…What Would You Do worksheet Discuss as a class Start HW: Listing 12 most important personal values

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