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Individual DIFFERENCES Psychology Note Cards 1-20

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1 Individual DIFFERENCES Psychology Note Cards 1-20
Covering all studies in CS Chapter 7: Core Study 7.1: Rosenhan (1973), Sane in Insane Places Core Study 7.2: Thigpen & Cleckley (1954), MPD/EVE  Core Study 7.3: Billington et al (2007), Empathizing vs Systemizing/College Major and Gender Core Study 7.4: Veale & Riley (2001) BDD and Mirror Gazing

2 Indiv. Differences Psychology Note Cards 1-5
Core Study 7.1: Rosenhan (1973), Sane in Insane Places Note Card 1: Outline who the pseudo-patients were, and how they got admitted to the hospitals. Note Card 2: Outline one aim of the Rosenhan study. Note Card 3: Discuss the quantitative and qualitative data collected in the study. Note Card 4: Outline how Rosenhan was testing out the individual differences approach to psychology. Note Card 5: Discuss the strengths an weaknesses of observations using Rosenhan as an example (1 long paragraph minimum)

3 Indiv. Differences Psychology Note Cards 6-10
Core Study 7.2: Thigpen & Cleckley (1954), MPD/EVE  Note Card 6: Why was hypnosis used on Eve? What was this meant to achieve? Note Card 7: Outline two personality traits each of Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane. Note Card 8: Outline how data was collected in Thigpen & Cleckley’s study. Note Card 9: How could T&C tell when Jane “switched” personalities? How was the EEG used? Note Card 10: Discuss in depth the case study, using Eve’s case as an example (1 long paragraph minimum)

4 Indiv. Differences Psychology Note Cards 11-15
Core Study 7.3: Billington et al (2007), Empathizing vs Systemizing/College Major and Gender Note Card 11: Define Systemizing; Define Empathizing. What gender is associated with each term? What two “quotients” are used? Note Card 12: Discuss the participants in Billington’s study? Note Card 13: Discuss at least 1 psychometric test used in the study; how was it scored? Note Card 14: Outline one reason why Billinton et al was conducted. Note Card 15: Evaluate at least two weaknesses of Billington et al.

5 Indiv. Differences Psychology note cards 15-20
Core Study 7.4: Veale & Riley (2001) BDD and Mirror Gazing Note Card 16: In Veale & Riley, who were the two groups of participants, and what were they matched on? Note Card 17: Outline one reason why the V&R study was conducted. Note Card 18: Discuss the quantitative and qualitative data in V&R. Note Card 19: Outline one difference in behavior of the BDD patients compared to the controls in the study. Note Card 20: How does BDD relate to Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia? What areas of the body does BDD concern?

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