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Church Hill Infant School
Year 1 Expectations
Useful Information Label Uniforms/PE Kit Punctuality & Attendance Holidays Book bag in school everyday Homework- reading and phonics focus this term Star readers- gold, silver, bronze certificates PE Kit – Promote independence/ no earrings or other jewellery Class assemblies- spring term Wellington boots Breakfast Club (8am)
Reading Children working at the expected level by the end of Year 1 will be able to read a range of age appropriate books and be able to apply the following skills Can read words containing taught GPCs and -s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and -est endings Can read words with contractions, (I'm, I'll, we'll), and understand the apostrophe represents the omitted letter(s) Can re-read these books to build up their fluency and confidence in word reading Is familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics Can discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known Can check that the text makes sense to them as they read and corrects inaccurate reading Can explain clearly what has been read to them. In discussion with the teacher, the pupil can answer questions and make inferences on the basis of what is being said and done in a familiar book that is read both independently and to them. Can read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the common graphemes for all 40+ phonemes. Can read accurately some words of two or more syllables that contain the same grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPC’s). Can read many common exception words. In a book closely matched to the GPC’s as above, the pupil can read aloud many words quickly and accurately without overt sounding and blending. In a book closely matched to the GPC’s as above, the pupil can sound out many unfamiliar words accurately.
For Reading children must be able to…..
…know all their digraphs and tri-graphs. …use their phonics to read unfamiliar words. …know their high frequency words (common exception words) automatically. …be fluent readers. …be able to answer questions about what they read. Parent reading session-wk beg Phonics screening test in June (October meeting) Fluency 90% , examples of questions
Writing Children working at the expected level by the end of Year 1 will be able to write a narrative about their own and others’ experiences (real and fictional) and show the following skills consistently in their writing: Can demarcate some sentences with capital letters and full stops. Can spell the days of the week Can form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place, and on the line. Can form lower-case letters of the correct size relative to one another in some of the writing. Can use spacing between words. Can spell common exception words from the Year 1 list. Can segment spoken words into phonemes (including some phase 5) and represent these by graphemes, spelling some correctly. Can clearly define upper and lowercase letters Can clearly define ascenders and descenders. Can write four or more sensible and coherent sentences Can re-read what he/she has written to check that it makes sense. Can use conjunctions in addition to 'and' (so, because, but) Can use other forms of punctuation to demarcate their writing (? and !) Can write their own first and surname with appropriate upper and lowercase letters
For Writing children must be able to…
…form all letters correctly – clear ascenders and descenders with correct size for upper and lower case, …write full name with the correct formation of letters and capitals in the correct place. able to write sentences correctly with capital letters, spaces, and full stops and check that what they have written makes sense. …use their phonics in their writing. …write the high frequency words (common exception words) independently. …use some conjunctions ( and, but, because, so) …use punctuation ? and ! correctly. Pen pals
Important for children to form letters correctly.
Handwriting Important for children to form letters correctly. Penpals Long ladder family – l, t, i, u, j, y One-armed robot family – r, b, n, h, m, k, p Curly caterpillar family – c, a, d, o, s, g, q, e, f Zig-zag monster family – z, v, w, x
Examples of Year 1 writing
From this….. …to this!
From this….. …to this!
Maths Children working at the expected level by the end of Year 1 will be able to consistently apply the following skills in their independent work: Can count to 100, forwards from any given number Can count, read and write numbers from 1 to 100 in numerals and words Can count backwards from any given number to 100. Can identify and represent numbers to 100. Can recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) Can estimate numbers to 20 Can identify one more and one less of any number to 100 Can count in steps of 2, 5 and 10 from 0 Can represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 Can add and subtract numbers to 20, including zero Can solve missing number problems. Can read, write and interpret problems involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs Can solve one-step problems in addition and subtraction Can recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity Can recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity Can solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division. Can recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes Can describe position, direction and movement. Can tell and show the time to the hour and half past the hour. Can recognise and use language relating to dates. Can compare, describe and solve practical problems for time. Can sequence events in chronological order using language Can measure and begin to record measures. Can compare, describe and solve practical problems involving measures Can recognise and know the value of different coins and notes Can solve one-step problems that involve money.
For Maths children must be able to…
…have a very good understanding of number to 100. …know and use number bonds to 20 independently. …understand addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and how these are related. …write number words to 20. …understand fractions - half and quarter. …know basic time (o’clock and half past) …know 2D and 3D shapes. …know different the coins and notes …measure and record. …apply their knowledge to solve problems and in a range of contexts. …be able to talk about how they have gone about solving problems and reason about their methods.
Examples of Yr 1 Maths
Examples of Yr 1 Maths
14 - Curriculum booklets
School website - Curriculum booklets
Many thanks
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