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Types of Water Pollution

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1 Types of Water Pollution
Science 1

2 Northfield Wastewater Treatment Plant Overflowing During Irene
Organic Waste Description: sewage, cow poop, food processing, paper mills Effects: bacteria grows which decreases dissolved oxygen and causes diseases Raw sewage in Korea Northfield Wastewater Treatment Plant Overflowing During Irene

3 Algae Bloom in Lake Champlain
Nutrients Description: phosphates or nitrates from fertilizer or detergents Effects: Algae blooms (eutrophication) Algae Bloom in Lake Champlain

4 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010)
Description: Runoff from streets/parking lots; oil spills Effects: Interferes with respiration/gills (fish) and flying (birds) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010)

5 Acids Description: pH below 7 (acid rain, mining)
Effects: can kill organisms

6 Toxic Substances Description: harmful in low concentrations (mercury, lead, cadmium, tritium) Effects: can affect nervous systems of organisms

7 Heat (Thermal Pollution)
Description: hot water from power plants or factories Effects: Lowers dissolved oxygen in water

8 Union St. and Pearl St. during Irene
Sediments Description: can come from construction, logging, agriculture Effects: blocks flow of water and can clog gills; can flood houses Union St. and Pearl St. during Irene Wall Street

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