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Implementing the meeting plan

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1 Implementing the meeting plan
Dr Alan Fyall – Module 9

2 Contents Registration Housing Meeting Attendees Pre-Meeting Procedures
Site Co-ordination Food and Beverage

3 Registration

4 Registration “Essentials”
Diligent planning Monitoring Co-ordination Follow up Attention to detail Patience Diplomacy

5 Registration Procedures
Web-based or manual – principles the same and success determined by preparation and research Advance and/or on-site registration Precise and concise registration Convenience with key information conveyed Well-informed registrant and precise record of attendees

6 The Meeting Announcement

7 The Meeting Announcement: Key Content (i)
Attractive, eye-catching thematic graphic – names, dates, location, logos, we blink, purpose, benefits from attending, eligibility Location, site information, map, accommodation (lodging), reservation web sites Registration fees by category (attendees/guests) including early discounts and late penalties (refunds / currencies/ methods of remittance) Program details, key note addresses and speaker details, breakout sessions and special sessions requiring advance / additional registration – be explicit as to what is and what is not included in the registration fee.

8 The Meeting Announcement: Key Content (ii)
Tentative social and recreational agenda with guidelines for behavior and clothing attire Exhibition details and participants Registration data and forms Travel arrangements, official / recommended airlines, special fares, visa requirements etc. Airport pick-up / transfers Currency, bank locations and hours of opening

9 The Meeting Announcement: Key Content (iii)
Local culture and customs Membership status (if applicable), arrival and departure dates, contact information, badge preferences Dietary requirements, special needs Verification procedures for credentials and registration status (i.e. scrutinise discount-claiming delegates)

10 Registration Systems (who pays what?)
Corporate meetings Sales meetings Association convention Government-sponsored events Exhibition

11 Registration Forms Event name, sponsor, theme, dates, venue +
Accommodation information Ticket policies and prices for special events (highlight those requiring advance bookings) Medical and dietary requirements Airline, flight and arrival times On-site registration location and hours Event name, sponsor, theme, dates, venue Name, title, affiliation, correspondence address, contact phone numbers (cell), membership category, badge details and preferred name of address Accompanying persons Registration fees by category Currency for payment Payment and cut-off dates

12 Registration Forms Assume the worst! Boxes rather than lines
Multiple choice rather than open ended Suitable line and pitch dimensions Tabulation of fees and currencies Effective coding essential

13 Multi-site Registration
Decentralized registration (i.e. national association chapters, global affiliates, local offices, travel agencies) Close co-ordination critical Careful making of amendments

14 Automating Registration: PC-Based Systems
Peopleware PC Nametag Meeting Trak Plansoft Event Solutions Front-end web interface Session tracking Presentation graphics Badge and ticket generation Spreadsheets, budgeting and signage Room scheduling Floor plan design Attendee evaluation


16 Automating Registration: Web-Based Registration
Familiarity of use of Internet tools YET … caution of use internationally (band width) Tiered registration motivates early registration Translation tools available Simplified customization Personalized correspondence Substantial reduction in international postage costs Ease of lateral marketing Reduction in no-shows by use of personalized online reminders Extend exhibitor reach and identify prospective clients Single integrated database Wide range of planner and registrant options

17 Housing Meeting Attendees

18 Housing Resources Incorporation of all details on registration form?
Need for a credit card guarantee Enclose hotel reservation form with registration documentation Clear policy on upgrades, suites, alcohol and mini-bars Room block attrition and clarity of policy to delegates Real-time inventory benefits of web solutions International acceptability of technological systems (sector more significant than country of origin) Ease of booking off-event (i.e. Travelocity, Expedia, Kayak ….)

19 Pre-Meeting Procedures

20 Pre-Meeting Procedures
Processing registrations Prompt acknowledgement of reservation and payment, sessions booked etc. Follow-up communication to include all relevant details (avoid over communication) Delegate numbers and composition and key form of marketing

21 Badges Key indicator of event quality
First name, middle name, last name (seek clarification on preferred title) Use of titles and “nicknames” Font size Pins, lanyards ….. Dignitaries, media and press Smart badges

22 Site Co-ordination

23 Site-Coordination Visits
Walk the floor! Check all accommodation and associated social and recreational programs Meet local shipping agents and associated customs and tax authorities Basically, …. Double check everything!!! Strongly advised! Meet and interview local staff (exhibition, technical team …) Open a local bank account Verify all costs Local production and print of program materials Finalise issues with DMC / PCO

24 Food and Beverage

25 Food and Beverage Contrast between social-event designed rooms in Europe and much of the world versus event-designed rooms in US Rest of world obsession with food (no rubber chicken)! Strong theme-focus in much of world (diversity of London) – yet, avoid stereotypes Conversion of all rates and measures

26 Questions? What are the key challenges for event planners when establishing registration strategies for international events (i.e. registration procedures, systems, forms and processes)? Identify and discuss those pre-meeting issues that need to be determined when organizing international events.

27 Questions Office: 219C Rosen College Tel: (407) 903 8808

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