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Dust accumulation test Lordan A.C.S. Ltd.

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1 Dust accumulation test Lordan A.C.S. Ltd.

2 Dust accumulation test
Dust accumulation test was performed on 3 fin types: Plain aluminum Pre-coated epoxy coating Nano coated coil The test were made according to MIL-STD-810G item Three coils (3 fin types) were inserted into a dust chamber that contained 70 gr of “red clay dust” that was blown in the chamber. Each coil had a draw through fan that circulated the dust through the coils at approximately 2m/sec air flow speed.

3 Dust accumulation test
The test was duration was 7 hours, afterwards the coils were evaluated for accumulation of dust on the fins. The next pages show the coils after the dust accumulation test.

4 Standard aluminum with plain fin

5 Epoxy coating

6 Nano coating

7 Comparison Nano fins Plain aluminum Fine dust practical's
Heavy layer of dust

8 Results summary The coil with no coating had a thick layer of dust accumulated on the fins. The epoxy coated coil had a slightly better results The Nano-coated coil had a significant improved results in compare to The other fin types, with only fine dust particles settled on the fins.

9 Conclusion Nano coated coil can withstand dust accumulation due its smooth and hydrophobic surface. In prolonged use the clean fin surface will maintain the same heat transfer performance in compare to the other fin types that will show a reduction in performance due to dust and dirt accumulation. The better heat transfer will results in savings in energy consumption and lower operation costs.

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