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Published byNathan Lucas Modified over 6 years ago
Introduction to Convection Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat Transfer Introduction to Convection Heat and Mass Transfer
Convection Fundamental Concepts -Convection Transfer
Consider the flow of a fluid past a flat surface. The local heat flux is: Where h is the local heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K). q” and h vary along the surface. The total heat transfer rate over the entire surface is: L x q” Ts , As U∞ , T∞ Average convection heat transfer coefficient where
Results similar to convection heat transfer may be obtained for convection mass transfer when a fluid with molar concentration C A, ∞ (kmol/m3) or density ρ A,∞ (kg/m3) for species A flows over a surface with uniform concentration C A,s or density ρ A,s for species A as shown below: The molar flux NA” (kmol/m2 s) and mass flux mA” (kg/ m2 s) are expressed, respectively as: L x NA” CA,s , As U∞ , CA, ∞ dx Where hm = local convection mass transfer coefficient ρA = Mc CA = density MA = molecular weight of species A
Where R = universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ / kmol K
Total molar transfer rate NA (kmol/s) and total mass transfer rate mA (kg/s) are also expressed, respectively, as follows: Where = average mass transfer coefficient, m/s Assuming saturated state of species A at surface temperature Ts, the density ρ A,∞ may be obtained directly from thermodynamic tables ( for water: table A.6(text)) At the corresponding saturation pressure Psat the molar concentration may be obtained from equation of state for an ideal gas Where R = universal gas constant = kJ / kmol K
Convection boundary layer
Convection can be forced or natural It is due to the random motion of molecules (diffusion) and the bulk motion of the fluid particles Convection could be internal or external Examples – Airflow over wings, buildings, a bank of heat exchangers (external) The Velocity boundary Layer Velocity B.L. → Region with velocity gradient dU / dy ≠ 0 x Free Stream U∞ y (x) B.L. u Velocity gradient due to shear stress,
Kinetic energy of fluid
is the boundary layer thickness defined as the value of y at which u = 0.99 U∞. At y = dU/dy and τ are negligible. The local friction coefficient is calculated from: The surface frictional drag, FD, is calculated using Cf Assuming a Newtonian fluid, τs is calculated from: Where μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, and du/dy is the velocity gradient perpendicular to the wall. Wall shear Kinetic energy of fluid also
Thermal Boundary Layer
Thermal B.L. → Region with temperature gradient dT/dy t is the thermal boundary layer thickness, defined as the value of y at which: x T∞ y t t(x) U∞ Ts Isothermal Surface
For a constant surface temperature,Ts
The local convective heat transfer coefficient may be calculated by first finding qs” from energy balance at the surface. Fourier Law (No fluid motion at the surface, conduction only) For a constant surface temperature,Ts Ts - T∞ = constant Since t increases with x, ∂T/∂y must decrease with x Therefore h and q” also decrease with x also Since decreases with x
Concentration Boundary Layer
x y c c(x) U∞ C A,s Concentration Boundary Layer C A, ∞ C A Free Stream Mixture of A & B Fick’s Law Where DAB or Dv = mass diffusion coefficient, m/s2 Mass diffusivity or mass diffusion coefficient has the same units as thermal diffusivity, α (m/s2) As with heat transfer, we can write Heat flux (qx”) Fourier’s Law Molar or Mass flux Fick’s Law
Three boundary layers:
SUMMARY: Three boundary layers: Velocity B.L. () Velocity distribution (V) Wall friction () Thermal B.L. (t) Temperature distribution (T) Convection heat transfer (h, Nu) Concentration B.L. (c) Concentration distribution (C) Convection mass transfer (hm, Sh)
Problem 6.1
Laminar & Turbulent Flow & Reynolds Number
Convection transfer rates and surface friction depend on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. Laminar or turbulent flow is determined by the value of Re For internal flow: Reynolds Number (Re) where ReD,c is the critical Reynolds number For external flow: Reynolds Number (Re) where Rex,c is the critical Reynolds number
U∞ Laminar xc Transition Turbulent Turbulent Laminar
Ordered fluid motion with identifiable streamlines on which fluid particles move. Turbulent Irregular fluid motion with velocity fluctuations which increase energy, mass, and momentum transfer. Larger t with flatter velocity, temperature and concentration profiles.
Regions in turbulent Boundary Layer
Turbulent region – Transport mainly by turbulent mixing Buffer Zone – Transport by diffusion and Viscous or Laminar Sub layer – Transport by diffusion and linear velocity profile h(x) (x) x h , δ Laminar Transition Turbulent Variation of Velocity B.L. Thickness () and local heat transfer coefficient (h) for flow over an isothermal surface
Problem 6.14
Boundary Layer Equations
Consider a steady , 2-D flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a Cartesian coordinate as shown below. We wish to obtain a set of differential equations that governs the velocity and temperature distributions in the fluid to solve V, T, C and (force), q” (heat transfer), m” (mass transfer). T∞ U∞ Thermal B.L. Concentration B.L. Velocity B.L. qs” N A,s” C A, ∞ C A y Ts t C C A, s Mixture of A & B dx dy x
The velocity Boundary Layer
The equations are based on application of conservation principles on a differential control volume of the fluid as demonstrated below for conservation of mass over a control volume: The velocity Boundary Layer Continuity equation Conservation of mass over a control volume, in – out = 0 u v y x = mass velocity (kg / m2 s) For an incompressible fluid where ρ = constant: See Appendix E for detailed development of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and chemical species
The following differential equations are therefore obtained for steady, 2-D flow for an incompressible fluid with constant properties (ρ, μ, cv, cp, k, etc.) Continuity Equation: Conservation of Mass Momentum Equation in x-direction: Velocity B.L. Momentum Equation in y-direction: Velocity B.L. Where X = Body force in x direction X=ρgx Where Y = Body force in y direction Y=ρgy
Energy Equation: Thermal B.L.
Viscous Energy Dissipation Equation Species Transfer or Continuity Equation: Species Concentration B.L. Where μΦ = viscous energy dissipation
Approximations and Special Conditions
A most common situation is one in which the 2-D boundary layer can be characterized as Steady (time independent) Incompressible (ρ is constant) Having constant properties (ρ, μ, k, etc.) with temperature Having negligible body forces ( X = Y = 0) Non-reacting (no chemical reaction) without internal heat generation In addition, since is very small, the following B.L. approximations apply: Velocity B.L.
This means that normal stresses in x-direction are negligible, and the wall shear stress reduces to:
These simplification reduce the B.L. equations to the following equations. Continuity Equation: Thermal B.L. Concentration B.L.
Momentum equation – in x-direction, and y-direction
The continuity and momentum equations can be used to solve for the spatial variations of u and v. Energy Equation: Species Continuity Equation , This can be used to solve for the temperature or This can be used to solve for concentration variation
Boundary Layer Similarity and Normalized Convection Equations
Examination of the simplified convection equations repeated below shows a strong similarity between the momentum equation and energy equation: Similarly, there is a strong similarity between mass transfer and momentum and energy equations as indicated below: Momentum equation in x-direction for velocities u and v Advection Diffusion Energy equation for temperature T Mass Transfer Equation Advection Diffusion
Similarity Parameters for Boundary Layers
Dimensionless independent variables defined as: Dependent dimensionless variables are: The dimensionless independent and dependent variables may be substituted in to the momentum and energy equations to obtain dimensionless forms of conservation equations (see table 6.1) Similarity parameters make it possible to apply results obtained for a surface experiencing one set of conditions to geometrically similar surfaces experiencing entirely different conditions. Where L = characteristic length for the surface and Where V = Upstream velocity , , CA = mass concentration of species A ,
Dimensionless groups = Inertia Forces Reynolds Number (Re)
Viscous Forces Reynolds Number (Re) μ Is the viscosity (kg / s m) ν is the kinematic viscosity (m2/s) Prandtl Number (Pr) 3. Nusselt Number (Nu) = The dimensionless temperature gradient at the surface. 4. Stanton Number (St) = Momentum diffusivity Thermal diffusivity α is the thermal diffusivity (m2/s) (A modified Nusselt Number)
Schmidt Number (Sc) Sherwood Number (Sh) = Dimensionless concentration gradient at the surface In terms of dimensionless groups, the complete set of dimensionless convection equations are therefore: = Momentum diffusivity Mass diffusivity DAB = mass diffusivity (m2/s) Velocity (Continuity equation) Velocity (Momentum equation)
Thermal (Energy Equation) Solution Forms: Mass Concentration (Mass Diffusion Equation)
, Nusselt Number: Convection mass transfer: , , Where hm = mass transfer coefficient, m/s (convection)
Physical Significance of the Dimensionless Parameters
Sherwood Number: Physical Significance of the Dimensionless Parameters Reynolds Number Inertia forces therefore dominate for large values of Re and viscous forces dominate for small Re values. Viscous forces dominate in laminar flow but become progressively less important than inertia forces as Re increases. = Inertia Forces Viscous Forces
= Momentum diffusivity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl Number, Pr
Large differences in Pr are associated with large variations in the fluid viscosity, μ. The spectrum of Prandtl Numbers of fluids is given below. Normally δ is the velocity B.L. thickness and δt is the thermal B.L. thickness. 10-2 10-1 100 10 102 103 Liquid metals Gases Water Light Organics Oils Where n is a positive integer
For gases, For liquid metals (very high k, low Pr) For oils (very high μ, high Pr) Mass transfer and Lewis Number, Le Table 6.2 (text) lists several dimensionless parameters that are generally relevant in heat and mass transfer
Boundary Layer Analogies
Heat and mass transfer analogy Heat and mass transfer are analogous Heat and mass transfer relations are therefore interchangeable for a particular geometry For example, it the form of relationship for a convection heat transfer problem involving x*, Re, and Pr, that is f4(x*, Re, Pr) has been obtained for a particular surface geometry, the results may be used for convection mass transfer for the same geometry simply by replacing Nu with Sh and Pr with Sc The analogy can also be used to relate two convection coefficients. By analogy:
Problem 6.46
Modified Nusselt Number
Reynolds Analogy When dP*/dx*= 0 and Pr = Sc = 1, the boundary layer equations (momentum, energy and mass concentration) are exactly of the same form. If dP*/dx*= 0 then U∞ = V = upstream fluid velocity, and the boundary conditions are also of the same form. Solutions for U*,T*, CA* must also be of the same form. It follows that: (1) Modified Nusselt Number Mass Transfer Stanton Number
From (1) we have: Reynolds Analogy,
The Reynolds analogy can be used, provided these restrictions are satisfied dP*/dx* ≈ 0 , Pr ≈ 1 , Sc ≈ 1 In general application, the modified Reynolds analogy is: Where jH, and jm are the Colburn j factor for heat and mass transfer Equations (2) and (3) are approximate for laminar flow, but more accurate or valid for turbulent flow. If one parameter is known, it can be used to obtain others. For 0.6 < Pr < 60 (2) For 0.6 < Sc < 3000 (3)
Evaporative Cooling: Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer
As shown in the figure below, the Evaporative cooling process of heat and mass transfer occurs when a gas flows over a liquid surface. There are numerous industrial and environmental applications of evaporative cooling process. In the evaporative cooling process the energy required for evaporation of the liquid comes from the internal energy of the liquid. As a consequence, the temperature of the liquid reduces or “cooling effect” occurs Liquid Layer (species A) Gas Layer (species B) q”evap q”add q”conv Latent and sensible heat exchange at a gas liquid interface
If there is no heat addition we have
Under steady state operation, the latent energy lost by the liquid must be replenished by energy transfer to the liquid from its surroundings or by energy addition by other means (e.g. electrical heating of the fluid By energy conservation on a control surface on the liquid surface, we have: Where qevap” = evaporative cooling load qconv” = convection sensible heat transfer from the gas to the liquid qadd” = heat addition to the liquid If there is no heat addition we have Where ρA,sat is the saturated vapor density at the surface temperature, Ts.
expressed as: Since by heat and mass transfer analogy, and for exponent n=1/3 With mA << mB, the evaporative cooling effect may be approximately calculated from or R = universal gas constant Where MA and MB are the molecular weight of the species A and B, respectively or
Solution Methods in Internal and External Convection Transfer
The primary objective in internal and external convection transfer is to obtain convection coefficients for different flow geometries. The convection coefficients are subsequently used to obtain heat or mass transfer rates. Solution methods in obtaining convection coefficients include: Experimental or Empirical Method Theoretical Method Non-dimensionalized approach is generally followed, and the local and average convection coefficients are generally correlated by the following form of equations: Heat Transfer Mass Transfer
Experimental or Empirical Method
The empirical method involves heat and mass transfer measurements and data correlation using appropriate dimensionless parameters For fixed Prandtl numbers for a given fluid, log-log plots of Re versus Nu generally are straight lines as illustrated below (left). The straight line plots may be represented by an equation of the form: Where C, m, n are independent constants
Log-log plot of Re versus the ratio Nu / Prn combine into a single straight line for all the Pr as illustrated above (right). The corresponding correlation equation for mass transfer is of the form: Where the independent constants C, m, and n are the same as obtained for heat transfer for similar geometry
Theoretical method Special case of exact solution to convection transfer equations (example 6.4 in text) Parallel flow or Couette flow is one of the situations where exact solutions can be obtained for convection transfer equations. A special case of parallel flow involves stationary and moving plates of infinite extent separated by a distance L with the intervening space filled by an incompressible fluid as shown below: With the assumption of steady state conditions, incompressible fluid with constant properties, no body forces (I.e. X=0, and Y=0), and no internal energy generation the convection transfer equations reduce to the following: Engine oil Moving Plate Stationary Plate L TL T0 x,u y,v U
Continuity Equation For incompressible fluid (ρ = constant) and parallel flow (v = 0) the continuity equation reduces to: The x velocity component is therefore independent of x, and the velocity field is said to be fully developed. 2. Momentum Equation With ∂u / ∂v = 0, v = 0 and X = 0, the momentum equation reduces to: In parallel flow the pressure gradient ∂P / ∂x = 0, and the x-momentum equation reduces to:
Finally, the velocity distribution is given by:
3. Energy equation For the 2-D, S.S. condition with y=0, energy generation q=0 and ∂u/∂x = 0 for fully developed temperature field, the energy equation reduces to: Integrating twice and solving, the temperature distribution is given by: B.C.’s T(0) = To T(L) = TL Tb = bearing Temp.
Surface Heat Fluxes The surface heat fluxes are obtained from the temperature distribution by applying the Fourier’s Law: At the bottom and top surfaces, the heat fluxes are respectively given be: Location of Maximum Temperature The location of the maximum temperature may be found from the requirement:
The maximum temperature occurs in the fluid and there is heat transfer to the hot and cold plates. The temperature distribution is a string function of the velocity of the moving plate. 6. Viscous Energy Dissipation The viscous energy dissipation was defined as: With v = 0, and du/dx = 0, the viscous energy dissipation equation reduces to: For U = 0 there is no viscous dissipation, and the temperature distribution is linear.
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