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Literary Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Analysis

2 Your essay must… Have a central idea that governs its development
Be organized so every part contributes to the reader’s understanding of the central idea Have a carefully conceived thesis

3 Example thesis statements
The fate of the main characters in Antigone illustrates the danger of excessive pride. In his play Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller suggests that the American Dream psychologically and socially damages those who set their goals based on pride.

4 Illegal Words Everything, Thing/s, Stuff, Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, Happy, Sad, Something, Absolutes (i.e. always, never), etc. Words that need clarification and/or adjectives: figurative language, diction, tone, syntax, devices, imagery, human nature, decision, conflict, emotion, morals/morality, struggle, etc. Words to use minimally: to be verbs and passive voice

5 The Introduction Should…
Capture your reader’s interest Bring immediate focus to your subject Include background information relevant to your thesis Include TAG

6 Topic Sentences Should…
Relate the details of the paragraph to your thesis statement Tie the details of the paragraph together Not be a part of the plot

7 Textual Evidence Includes…
Relevant summary Paraphrase of significant events Specific details Direct quotations

8 Quotations… Should usually be no longer than a sentence at a time.
Are stronger the shorter they are. Should incorporate an ellipsis (…) to replace chunks of text that are not necessary for supporting your claim.

9 Quotations… Should be woven throughout your analysis with proper grammar and mechanics. Should incorporate brackets with a substituted word when needed for the sake of grammar. Must be followed by parenthetical citations

10 The Conclusion… Should give your essay a sense of completeness.
May restate the thesis statement in different words. May briefly summarize your main points. Should make a relevant comment about the literary work from a universal perspective. Should not introduce a new topic.

11 The Title… Should describe the approach you are taking in your paper.
Should not just be the title of the literary work.

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