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The KSF is just the beginning …

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1 The KSF is just the beginning …
Lindsay Mitchell Independent Consultant to the KSF Group

2 Overview Where have we come from? Where are we now? Why are we doing this? What next? And if not …

3 Where have we come from? Developed by joint management and staff side group working in partnership Used existing competences to inform and refine development Different versions tested with different staff groups to refine and further develop KSF agreed in October 2004 for use across the NHS - to provide consistency and a UK-wide approach

4 Where are we now? Most individuals have a KSF post outline and have had a development review Developed most of the outlines in partnership but … Developed some Still working out how to develop the outlines KSF post outlines - what are they?

5 When you developed the outlines did you?
Think about how you would change jobs to reflect the new broader paybands and the related opportunities? Look at how the team works as a whole and what this means for different posts? Think about how you could develop services? Think about how you could develop individuals?

6 Or … Did you see it as just another job to be done? a one-off project? something to tick off the to-do list? Has your organisation just gone through the motions? Is your organisation still thinking about it?

7 So why are we doing this? For services
Services are delivered by people - if you don’t develop your staff don’t expect your services to improve Getting the right people in the right place at the right time Using resources effectively Getting the services that are valued by patients and the public

8 Why? For employees Help me do my job well Help me learn and develop
Help me progress Value me - as an individual and as an employee

9 Why? For organisations Legislative requirements Improved staff morale
Reductions in turnover Governance

10 What next - for individuals?
How can I do my job well? Development review process How will I learn and develop? Personal Development Plan Learning and development How will I progress in my post and in career? Annual cycle Gateways Do you value me as an individual and as an employee? Give me feedback Show you value me and my job as much as other staff

11 What next - for services?
Getting the right people in the right place at the right time Do you need to change the nature and location of posts? Using resources effectively Is your skill mix right? Getting the services that are valued by patients and the public Are these the services that the public wants?

12 What next - for organisations?
Legislative requirements Are you providing equality of opportunity for all staff? Are you implementing one of the agreed terms and conditions of service? Improved staff morale Can your organisation deliver high quality services by staff who are not valued? Reductions in turnover How much does recruitment and retention cost you? Governance What are the risks of staff who do not have / are not able to apply the knowledge and skills needed?

13 So you think learning and development is costly …
Try the alternative!!!

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