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Presentation on theme: " If you are Chinese, Arabic, Hindi etc then how will you type Google, Facebook, Yoursite etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you are Chinese, Arabic, Hindi etc then how will you type Google, Facebook, Yoursite etc.

2 3 billion people can not type Google, Facebook etc.
In our word 3 billion people are non English. When they wish to open these websites they need to type address like, Google, etc in address bar. But if they are non-English they cannot type in address bar. found new way to solve this problem which is very useful for Hindi, Chinese, Arabic users and non-English users.

3 How to solve this problem
Press any three buttons twice right to left from keyboard like or ppooii and ctrl+enter. You can see search engine of Google in You can see keyboard picture:

4 After this you can see this type of search Engine of google in Now you can click on any language which you want. For example: - Hindi. Now open box of characters of that language which you click.

5 Now you can click on that language which you want For example Hindi
Now you can click on that language which you want For example Hindi. click on Hindi then After click you can see in this picture:

6 How shall we execute it. It has 90% importance than IDEA.
If we shall include any technology in computer syllabus then it is best method for advertising like Microsoft. We have also response from education boards to include it in Syllabus.

7 Approved By many education Boards
Implemented by Haryana and Karnataka board.

8 Approved by CBSE

9 How are we able to execute it?
We have been send 500 letters to Govt bodies to include it in Computer syllabus in INDIA. We have approval approx from 10 boards by this conversation. If we shall apply this method in all world then it will be big business.

10 We are able to execute it.
We shall send letters to all education boards to include it in computer syllabus. We shall send 10 letters to each. 600 Boards of world. 10,000 universities. Cost : 10600*10*100=1,06,00,000 INR. 10 Call and 10 to 10,00,000 Schools. Cost = 1 Cr. INR Investor can give us 10 lac INR to 2 Cr. if investor has name or fame like Rajan Anandan then no need of investment, name works.

11 Why am I looking for money ?
I have small team and small money to execute it? I want to grow quickly. So I need more money. Sanjeev Kumar : , Amit K Verma – (Adviser)

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