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Development Perspectives

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1 Development Perspectives
Jagadish C. Pokharel, Ph. D. Administrative Staff College Jawalakhel August 22, 2017

2 We will discuss Development : as concept
Perspective: what does it mean? Development perspective: different Why does it matter to have a perspective? What our perspective on development in Nepal? What does it mean? What are the new trends? Are we changing perspective to development?

3 Development Development : What is it? Change in—
Desired Change of condition A process of achieving desired change Change “within” and change “in relation” Change in— Economic condition Social condition Environmental condition Governance system

4 Measuring Development
Measuring Change Indicators of measurement Unit of measurement Economic indicators Change in personal or national wealth Social indicators Equity, justice, inclusiveness, freedom of expression, health, education, happiness etc

5 Measuring Development contd..
Environmental indicators Comfort, aesthetics, pollution level, disaster risks, clean drinking water, clean energy etc Governance indicators (institutional) Efficiency Security and safety Transparency and accountability/ voice Protection of individual right/ dignity Equality Enforcement of law etc

6 Perspective The angle or direction in which a person looks at an object Point of view: a position or perspective from which some thing is considered evaluated A particular way of considering something A way of thinking about something Accurate view to understand what is important and what is not A view especially one in which you can see a long way into distance Keeping things in perspective– you must keep things in perspective, the overall situation is not that bad “Because of its geographic position Nepal’s perspective on situation in Doglam is different from that of …” “we have to look at things from international perspective” “from her perspective the sun was setting but from the perspective of someone on the other side of the world the sun was rising”

7 Development Perspectives
Political / philosophical Marxist perspective Mode of production Capitalist perspective Wage labor and surplus Internationalist perspective/ dependency Existence of inequality historical reasons Disciplinary perspective (theories) Sociological Anthropological Ecological other

8 Development Theories Early thinking: Development Problem
Having more money (nation and individual) Indicators: money, Unit of measurement: per capita income, Gross Domestic product, Gross National Income Development Problem how to make more money, create more wealth, Labor is available, how/ where to get more capital and technology from? Industrialization key COEN YEE Training 2017

9 Lessons and Realizations
Not happening as we wished Slow Growth Disparities increased Poverty did not get reduced Inequality increased Environmental degradation Hunger and diseases Weak and poor left behind Vulnerability to disaster increased Increased dependency on non renewable energy undemocratic governments emerged COEN YEE Training 2017

10 Revised Theories Socialization/ humanization of development
“Think of human race” / “Think of planet” Socialization/ humanization of development Equity and justice Redistributive justice Human development/ happiness Inclusive development Environmental concerns Sustainable development Nature’s capacity

11 Revised Theories Governance matters Democratic values
Decentralization Participatory development empowerment Bottom up Focus on institution: Role and Relations of State, Market and Civil society

12 Development Practice Nepal’s Desire to Develop
National development planning since 1st plan (2013) through 14th plan (2073/ /76) Basic needs, Poverty, growth, governance Agriculture, tourism, industries Prosperity, modernity and justice Bottleneck: energy, capacity, efficiency Initially The state main and only actor in develoment Later on Greater role of market and civil society Strategy Reform, privatize, open market COEN YEE Training 2017

13 Participation of Multiple Institutional Actors
(post 1990s) State Facilitate Regulate Guide protect National development Market Efficiency Investment Management Growth Cooperatives Empowerment capacity building Local resource mobilization Civil Society Advocacy Social issues Justice equity

14 Revisiting Development Thinking
We evaluated impact of policies, program, projects against certain values– social justice, inclusion, human dignity, poverty etc Evaluation at different level Macro level evaluation on some indicators We found: NPC conducted mid/ final evaluation Projects Mid/ terminal evaluations Economic growth alone not adequate to reduce poverty, ensure equity, justice, happiness etc Lessons and findings became input for policy, program, project, design and implementations process changes

15 Changing Development Perspective?
Global Trend Shrinking and changing liberal, open and global thinking Ownership of Global agenda – climate change etc China’s emergence and new thinking Nepal’s experience with multiple actors Experience with trade, remittance and import based economy Experience with Indian blockade “self reliant economy”-- Production of strategic goods State’s and private sector’s space Overall “shrinking” space for NGO sector Growth of Cooperative sector Federated Nepal and local units of government– development movement Others

16 Thank you COEN YEE Training 2017

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