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Battle of Yorktown.

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1 Battle of Yorktown

2 Video Siege of Yorktown-National Park Video

3 Leaders of Battle of Yorktown
George Washington- General of the Continental Army Comte de Rochambeau-Commander of the French Army sent by King Louis XVI General Charles Lord Cornwallis- Commander of the British Army

4 Timeline of Battle Valley Forge- George Washington is suffering defeats and desertions. Summer The French, led by Comte Rochambeau arrive to help the Americans defeat the British.

5 Occupation of Yorktown
August Cornwallis occupies Yorktown and plans to use the port as a base for resupplying his troops during the battles

6 Washington Changes Plan
August George Washington changes his battle plans. Currently, he was in New York fighting General Clinton and getting no where. He tricks Clinton into believing he is still in New York, but he sneaks his troops and cannons south, towards Yorktown. The troops walk with great speed and bring along their cannons. They walk approximately 400 miles in 5 weeks.

7 French Help August French ships leave Rhode Island and head for the Chesapeake Bay. British ships leave New York at the end of August, heading for the Chesapeake.

8 September 11, 1781-Cornwallis is told that British ships are on their way with soldiers and supplies. Cornwallis feels good about his siege of Yorktown. Cornwallis and Clinton did not get along with one another but Cornwallis believes that Clinton will send help.

9 Leaders Meet September 14, Washington and Rochambeau meet in Williamsburg to prepare for the battle. This is a picture of Washington and Rochambeau after the Victory at Yorktown Artist: James Peale

10 Fleets fight September French ships are blockading the Chesapeake Bay and Clinton is still promising soldiers and supplies. The French and British fleets have had small battles, but the French are able to maintain the blockade of the Chesapeake Bay. The British suffer defeat and head back to New York. Another fleet will be sent.

11 Washington starts attack
September 28, George Washington and troops leave Williamsburg for fight. Re-enactor from Williamsburg of George Washington Re-enactors from Williamsburg

12 Cornwallis makes a surprising battle move
Cornwallis is confident that Clinton will be coming soon. He retreats from his outer flanks and takes up positions closer to Yorktown. This is a surprising decision.

13 Quotes from General Cornwallis:
On September 29, Cornwallis assured Clinton, “I have no doubt, if relief arrives in any reasonable time, York and Gloucester will be both in possession of his Majesty’s troops”. Who wrote the quote? __________________________________________________________ Date or time of the quote ________________________________________________________ Important information from quote _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What emotions are they feeling? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 Battle Begins October 3, The British are defeated in a battle near Gloucester. Their pathway for fresh food for the soldiers and their horses are cut off. October 9, Shots are fired from the Colonial Army and the French troops. The battle has begun. October 10, Clinton finally sends his navy fleet and supplies. Should arrive in Yorktown in 2-3 weeks.

15 Quote By October 10, though, Cornwallis pleaded that “nothing but a direct move to York River—which includes a successful naval action—can save me We have lost about seventy of our men and many of our works are considerably damaged we cannot hope to make a very long resistance. P.S. 5 p.m. Since my letter was written [at 12 p.m.] we have lost thirty men.” Who wrote the quote? __________________________________________________________ Date or time of the quote ________________________________________________________ Important information from quote ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What emotions are they feeling? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16 Storming of the Redoubts
October 14, George Washington and Rochambeau storm the two closest redoubts (earthen mounds of dirt built for protection) and moves cannons closer to Yorktown.

17 Cornwallis Letter to Clinton after the assault on the redoubt
After the assault on the redoubts, Cornwallis wrote, “My situation now becomes very critical. We dare not show a gun to their old batteries, and I expect that their new ones will open tomorrow morning The safety of the place is, therefore, so precarious that I cannot recommend that the fleet and army should run great risque in endeavoring to save us.” Who wrote the quote? __________________________________________________________ Date or time of the quote ________________________________________________________ Important information from quote ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What emotions are they feeling? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 The Americans storming the redoubts on October 14, 1781 during the Battle of Yorktown.

19 Storming the Redoubt Battle Map

20 Cornwallis retreats October 16, British troops are being bombarded and facing heavy causalities. Cornwallis realizes that Clinton won’t be there in time. He tries to leave by crossing the York River, but a freak storm makes the crossing impossible, so they return to Yorktown. This type of storm has only happened a few times. It was just luck that it happened the night that Cornwallis wanted to retreat

21 Cornwallis writes: “ At this critical moment,” Cornwallis wrote, “the weather, from being moderate and calm, changed to a most violent storm of wind and rain and drove the boats, some of which had troops on board, down the river. It was soon evident that the intended passage was impracticable.” When the storm died down, at about 2 a.m., the troops on Gloucester rowed back to Yorktown. As Tarleton wrote, “Thus expired the last hope of the British army.”

22 Document Analysis Who wrote the quote? __________________________________________________________ Date or time of the quote ________________________________________________________ Important information from quote ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What emotions are they feeling? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

23 Cornwallis seeks surrender
October 17, Cornwallis seeks a cease fire. He argues terms with Washington for the next two days. Cornwallis realizes that he has lost and surrenders 1/3 of all British forces to Washington and the Colonial Army.

24 Help arrives a little to late
October 19, British soldiers march to Surrender Field and set down their arms. The soldiers are taken as prisoners and won’t be released for a couple of years. The British fleet arrives a few days later, but it is to late for Cornwallis. They turn around and head back to New York. Clinton and Cornwallis will argue till they die, which person actually lost the War.

25 Cornwallis Surrenders
Cornwallis does not attend the surrender ceremony. This is seen as a slap in the face to Washington. Cornwallis sent General O’Hara in his place. Washington made General Benjamin Lincoln accept the surrender because since O’Hara was the second in charge, it was only appropriate that the Colonial Army’s second in command (Lincoln) accept the surrender.

26 The surrender of the British at Yorktown, Virginia, on October 19, 1781, ended the Revolutionary War. Trumbull placed American General Benjamin Lincoln at the center on a white horse, with French officers on the left and Americans on the right, led by General Washington on the brown horse. The British are represented by British officers, but Lord Cornwallis himself was not present.

27 British Army Surrender at Yorktown

28 Washington reviews the captured prisoners after the British surrender.

29 Primary Source: Whats wrong with this picture?
Gen. Charles Cornwallis surrenders to Gen. George Washington, Yorktown, Virginia, October 19, Library of Congress

30 Document Analysis Sheet
 Title of the Document _________________________________________________________ Date of the Document ________________________________________________________ Author of the Document _________________________________________________________ What is wrong with this picture? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What inferences can you make from this document? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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