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Ms. Lafferty’s 2nd Grade Class

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Lafferty’s 2nd Grade Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Lafferty’s 2nd Grade Class 2017-2018
Back to School Night Ms. Lafferty’s 2nd Grade Class

2 About Me… This is my 4th year at SCIS!
I am from the U.S. (Tennessee & Texas) Teacher Certified through the State of Texas Generalist 4-8, ESL and Special Education Business Management Degree, working on my Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies - International Learning Styles

3 Grade 2 Collaboration Team
We proudly call ourselves the “Super Team”! We are all excited about working together to meet the needs of our community of 2nd graders!

4 Schedule When students arrive…
They go to the cafeteria until 7:50 am when they are dismissed to class.

5 Subject Specialists and the 8-Day Cycle
Music- Even-numbered days: Day 2, 4, 6 and 8 (BLUE SHIRT) Teacher: Ms. Stacey P.E.- Odd-numbered days: Day 1, 3, 5 and 7 (PE kit: red shirt, blue shorts and running shoes). Teacher: Coach Barrs Library- Day 2 and 6 Teacher: Mr. Zimmerman & Mr. Tommy Please assist your child to returns his/her library books. They are allowed to check out 3 books at a time (or 10 if accompanied by a parent) and they are not limited to only library days. Art – Day 2 and 6 Teacher: Mr. Blalock

6 Communication Please let me know about: Illness Concerns Family issues Special celebrations and/or visitors Extended holidays I will respond within 24 hours. While I am at school, my first priority is the children so I usually am unable to write back during the school day. Please contact the LS reception if you have an urgent message.

7 Home Learning Students are expected to read for a minimum of 10 minutes each night. Students will take home a Home Learning Task folder every Monday to be returned on Friday. The Home Learning tasks will support our Units of Inquiry and our Math and Literacy objectives. The tasks are intended to be fun and child-choice-based.

8 Both programs can be differentiated for each student’s skill level.
Online Home Learning IXL Math Reading A-Z/Raz-Kids Both programs can be differentiated for each student’s skill level.

9 PYP Learner Profile and Attitudes
Curriculum Reading and Writing Workshop Inquiry-based math supported by Math in Focus PYP Units of Inquiry • Who we are: Responsible choices contribute to our health and our community. • Where we are in place in time: Artifacts and traditions help us learn about the past. • How we express ourselves: Art reflects personal experiences and feelings. • How the world works: Scientists observe and manipulate matter. • How we organize ourselves: Simple machines affect our lives. • Sharing the planet: Animals have distinct characteristics for growth and survival. PYP Learner Profile and Attitudes

10 PYP IB Primary Years Programme Transdisciplinary learning
Planning is collaborative We focus on the Learner Profile Attributes:

11 Snack Students will have time to eat a snack in the morning and afternoon (and possibly before ASA) Please send a few healthy snacks (brain food) for your child and encourage them to choose fruit and vegetables at lunch. Students should bring their water bottle everyday.

12 Birthdays We will acknowledge each birthday in our class.
Please let me know a couple days in advance if you would like to celebrate a birthday at school You may send simple treats to share with the whole class  We have a dairy allergy in our class. Birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the day Please bring all supplies needed Please do not send in gift bags for the other students. This is school policy. Invitations can only be sent through school if all class members is invited.

13 Field Trips Parents will be notified of field trips that support our Units of Inquiry. I will send home a permission slip with the Home Learning Folder. Included on the permission slip will be the cost of the trip that must be paid prior to the day of the field trip. We love parent volunteers on field trips! Students are to be in uniform for field trips.

14 PareParent InvolvementInvolvement
I am looking for one or two Room Parents to assist with organizing class celebrations (International Day of Peace, Halloween, Winter, End of the Year), collecting money for a class fund and other ideas to support our learning. If you are interested, please complete and return the form Other ways to be involved with the class include being a guest reader and/or a field trip chaperone.

15 Transportation and Attendance
Transportation Changes Please send me and the transportation department (hq- an 24 hours in advance if your child has a playdate or you will be picking them up Attendance Please me if you child will be absent or late for any reason

16 Big Problem vs. Small Problem
Kelso’s Choices Kelso’s Choices Big Problem-someone is hurt or scared, talk to an adult Small Problem-nobody is hurt or in danger, feelings are bothered or annoyed, a problem children can solve themselves Big Problem vs. Small Problem

17 Kelso’s Choices for Small Problems
Children are encouraged to try 2 Kelso’s choices before talking to an adult about a small problem. Children encouraged to try 2 Kelso’s choices before talking to an adult


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