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Review: Phonology & Morpho-phonemics continued

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1 Review: Phonology & Morpho-phonemics continued
(Materials adapted from ANT 522 Intro. to Phonology by Lee Bickmore, UAlbany)

2 Main Topics Phonology & Morphological Analysis Allophonic analysis
Morpho-phonemic analysis Multiple rules & simplifying multiple rules, both in allophones & allomorphs. Introduction to rule ordering.

3 Allophones Exercise Focus on the sounds: [t,s,z] and [č, š, ž]
Which ones are phonemes and which ones are allophones? What are the phonological rule(s)?

4 Morpho-phonemic analysis
Solving phonological problems that has a morphological component: Choose and write down the UR of roots and affixes. Remember, choosing URs can be crucial for your analysis. Sometimes, choosing URs is based on phonological analysis. Write down phonological rules that explain the connection between the URs and the surface forms that appear in the dataset. You may end up with more than one rule. Try to simplify rules as much as possible. Pay attention to similarities in distinctive features to do this.

5 Morpho-phonemic analysis
Logic of UR, Phonological rules & surface form (words in the dataset). UR + Phonological rules = Surface Form

6 Exercise: Morpho-phonemic Analysis
Turkish What are the morphemes for: (a) Genitive sg. & (b) Nom. plural What are the phonological rules that explain the alternation?

7 Exercise: Morpho-phonemic Analysis
Negative Gloss pɔsibəl bɛləns kəmplit tɔlərənt dərɛkt vɪzəbəl æktɪv ɔpərabəl dʒastis impɔsibəl imbɛləns iŋkəmplit intɔlərənt indərɛkt invɪzəbəl inæktɪv inɔpərabəl iɲdʒastis ‘possible’ ‘balance’ ‘complete’ ‘tolerant’ ‘direct’ ‘visible’ ‘active’ ‘operable’ ‘justice’ What is the negative morpheme? What is the phonological rule(s) that explains all the allomorphs?

8 Exercise: Lamba (pg ) Past Passive Neuter Gloss 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ʧita tula ʧeta fisa ʧesa kosa lasa ʃika seka poka kaka fuka ʧitwa tulwa ʧetwa fiswa ʧeswa koswa laswa ʃikwa sekwa pokwa kakwa fukwa ʧitika tulika ʧeteka fiʃika ʧeseka koseka laʃika ʃiʧika sekeka pokeka kaʧika fuʧika ‘do’ ‘dig’ ‘spy’ ‘hide’ ‘cut’ ‘be strong’ ‘wound’ ‘bury’ ‘laugh at’ ‘receive’ ‘tie’ ‘creep’ Already know rule for Neuter: i -> e / V[-hi, -lo] C0 ______ What is root for no. 4, 7, 11? What are the rules for alternation of root in no. 4, 7,8,11,12? Which rule should apply first?

9 Morpho-phonemic analysis
There can be multiple rules operating: Rules that explain alternation in the root. Rules that explain alternation in the affix. These rules can interact with each other. As a result, rules can have certain ordering. Some rules apply first, followed by another rule. Next week, we will look into datasets with more complex rule ordering.

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