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“Forgiveness of the Prophet”

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1 “Forgiveness of the Prophet”
Prince Mohammed bin Fahd University Ismael Hamidaddin Fall sem. 2012/13 Sec# 106

2 Objectives To learn from the Prophets traits
To share the forgiveness of the Prophet To reflect upon how nowadays things are done differently To enable people to use the Prophet as a role model To understand the significance of forgiveness

3 Outcomes To see muslim youth aspiring towards the prophet
To forgive when necessary towards your muslim brothers and sisters To see a change in the behavior of newer generations To use the Prophets stories and apply it to yourself.

4 Introduction As Muslims we are immediately given the privilege of hearing all types of beautiful stories about the prophet while growing up. Non-Muslims unfortunately, are not given the same advantages that we are given in learning all there is about the Prophet Mohammad Aiming at non-Muslim readers of all ages.

5 The Prophet Mohammad’s character was composed of a very peaceful nature; he never took revenge on anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his worst enemies. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was described as what God said in the Quran: “We have sent you as a mercy for all the worlds.”

6 First Sub Theme During the earlier days of the Prophet Mohammad’s mission, he traveled to the city of Taif in order to spread his message there and to invite the city’s inhabitants to Islam. The leaders of Taif were very cruel and discourteous in their way of dealing with the Prophet and the message that he held.

7 Allah then sent the angel of mountains to the Prophet Mohammad, seeking the permission of the Prophet to join together the two hills and crush the city of Taif. The Messenger of God replied, “No!  For, I hope that God will bring forth from their loins people who will worship God alone, associating nothing with Him.”

8 Second Sub Theme The Prophet was forgiving towards those who hurt the people dearest and closest to him. There was an Abyssinian slave who had killed Prophet Muhammad’s most beloved uncle Hamzah in the Battle of Uhud, who was forgiven by the Prophet when he embraced Islam after the Conquest of Makkah.

9 The wife of Abu Sufyan, who had cut open the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) uncle Hamzah’s chest.
Later quietly came to the Prophet (PBUH) and accepted Islam. He recognized her but did not say anything. “O Allah’s Messenger, no tent was more deserted in my eyes than yours; but today no tent is dearer in my eyes than yours.”

10 Habar Ibn Al-Aswad was another vicious enemy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and of all Muslims.
He had greatly hurt and inflicted a major injury on Zaynab, the daughter of the Prophet. He wanted to flee to Persia but then he decided to go to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who immediately forgave him.

11 Third Sub Theme An old woman that made it a habit of throwing garbage on the Prophet Mohammad whenever he was passing by her house. One day while the Prophet Mohammad was passing by, the old woman was not there to throw garbage on him. The Prophet asked for permission to visit her.

12 The old woman thought that he had come there to take his revenge .
The Prophet Mohammad insured her that he had not come to take revenge, but to see her and look after her, as it is one of the commands of Allah. Lead to her immediately accepting Islam and reciting the Shahadah.

13 Conclusion The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the most significant role model. Even the worst of the Prophet Mohammad’s enemies who despised him, could not help but immediately have an enormous amount of respect for his virtues and morals.

14 Whether or not you believe in Islam is not the question to be asked
Whether or not you believe in Islam is not the question to be asked. However, whether you can admire such a great character or not. All that God and his prophets want us as humans to be are healthy and decent. Religion is there for our own benefit and it is helpful to us as humans, and not only as a religion.

15 References Abdulsalam, Mohammad. (2010). Who is Prophet Muhammed? Qualities of the prophet, Forgiveness. (2010) Mukhtasar Seeratur Rasool, Muhammad ibn Sulayman at-Tameemi

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