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and the Science-Policy Nexus:

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Presentation on theme: "and the Science-Policy Nexus:"— Presentation transcript:

1 and the Science-Policy Nexus:
Co-designing a solutions-oriented science for global sustainable development Jon Padgham, Future Earth Secretariat / START Sandrine Paillard, Future Earth Secretariat Responsible Land Governance: Towards an Evidence Based Approach. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington D.C., March 20-24, 2017

2 What is Future Earth? INRA/C. Maitre Erik Pihl Erik Pihl NASA

3 What is Future Earth? An international research programme for global sustainability

4 What is Future Earth? Built on 30 years of international research

5 What is Future Earth? Supporting research on the planet’s most pressing challenges

6 What is Future Earth? International Inter and trans-disciplinary
Excellent and Solution-oriented Global in scope, relevant from local to global scales

7 Main instruments: Global Research Projects
Bio Discovery Air chemistry (IGAC) Human Health iHOPE Land-air (iLEAPS) Earth System Modeling (AIMES) Risk (IRG) Eco Health Monsoon Asia (MAIRS) Water (GWSP) Past change (PAGES) Global Land Project Global Carbon Project Bio Genesis Coasts Mountain biodiversity GMBA Ecosystem Services (PECS) Earth System Governance (ESG) Surface ocean (SOLAS) Eco Services Marine (IMBER)

8 Main instruments: Collaborative frameworks that facilitate integrative research with the aim to generate the multifaceted knowledge required to inform solutions for complex societal issues

9 Nexus Knowledge-Action Network
Competing claims over natural resources and ecosystem services Impact of agricultural practices on water quality, water-related risks and water availability for other uses under climate change Insufficient access to energy reinforces reliance on biomass for cooking and heating which affects soil fertility and crop productivity Impacts of biofuels on land use, water requirement, food prices… Fostering the generation of knowledge to understand: Interactions between water, energy and food systems (accounting for both their natural and social dimensions) How synergies and trade-offs can be better managed (sustainability & equity) Providing a platform for integration and collaboration between existing communities working on the Nexus Developing crosscutting activities that enhance integration and synergies, and bring added value

10 Co-designing the Research and Engagement Plan (2016- 2017)
What are the key research questions? How to best produce and share knowledge on the Nexus? A Development Team Future Earth Global Research Programmes: Future Earth Regional Centers The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security The Food, Energy, Environment, Water Nexus Network More from business, NGOs, policy will join soon Working in interaction with a wider community through: The Future Earth Open Network ( Scoping events The Food-Water-Energy Nexus Dialogues in Africa And more activities to come

11 Food-Water-Energy Nexus Dialogues in Africa
Four-year effort in West Africa; regional dialogues in North Africa Regional assessment – how changes in key climate-sensitive drivers influence risk, security and sustainability of critical resources? Multi-stakeholder dialogues: what knowledge needs for better managing nexus challenges under climate change ? Communication & Outreach Capacity building: fellowships for early career professionals (from research, policy & planning, resource management) Training on integrated assessment methods and TD approach Year 1 (West and North Africa) Year 2 (West Africa) Year 3 (West Africa) Year 4 (West Africa) Advance regional scoping efforts for the Nexus KAN Inform research agendas for Africa linked to Future Earth and the Belmont Forum Collaboration with Project to begin in late 2017 or early 2018 Dialogues in both West and North Africa. Dialogues will seek to build on and add value to previous nexus dialogue work. In West Africa: The project activities involve dialogue, assessment, capacity building and communications. The first year of the project will focus on multi-stakeholder dialogues in the two regions to identify critical knowledge needs and priorities for more effectively managing key food-energy-water nexus challenges under a changing climate. In Francophone West Africa, the dialogues will also serve to scope and set priorities for a regional knowledge assessment that will take place in years 2 and 3 of the project and an outreach and engagement effort that will extend into year 4. The West Africa assessment will examine social, technological, environmental, economic and political dimensions of the food-water-energy nexus in order to better understand how changes in key climate-sensitive drivers influence risk, security and sustainability of critical resources. Communications will be a key component of the assessment and will be woven into the dialogue and assessment processes so as to ensure high relevance for decision making. The assessment will also help to inform research agendas for Africa linked to Future Earth and the Belmont Forum. In North Africa: Limitations in funding amounts only allow for dialogues in North Africa

12 Thank you very much @futureearth

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