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Beijing, China July 27-28

2 GALILEO Services and Signals Definition
Presentation Outline Introduction GALILEO Services and Signals Definition Baseline Documentation Organization of Work Application Standardization Aviation Maritime Location Based Services Rail/Road Cooperation Areas 6th Framework Program related activities

3 Introduction Galileo is coming into a world where satellite navigation already exists Wide Use of GPS Multiple cultures/organization of user communities Many Communities consider standardization as a pre-requisit for adoption of a new systems. But drivers are different : Regulatory standardization : Mainly to ensure safety Performed by governmental bodies Commercial standardization : Simply ensure interoperability Reduce costs – Speed up market penetration Performed by industry Multimodal approach dealing with Aviation, Maritime, Rail, Road transportation and other important communitities such as mobile phone. Joint and complementary effort of GJU, EC and ESA to cover instituaional represnetation and technical expertise.

4 Active steps were taken for a number of years to support this process
Introduction The Galileo programme considers that standardization is instumental in achieving good market penetration Active steps were taken for a number of years to support this process Activities are taylored to user communities Specific tasks and levels of details Large number of representatives required Time consuming activity Work conducted in the existing standardization structures and following the rules developed by each user community Standardization is also a means to present and promote Galileo to its future end users

5 Aviation (1) Aviation involves people’s lives. Need to ensure safety
Aviation involves international travel and has therefore a need for worldwide interoperability standards Framework is well established and other GNSS systems have already been standardized. Main actors are : -The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that develops Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) that mainly focus on signal in space -EUROCAE and RTCA, two non-profit organizations that are dealing with standardization of civil aviation equipments (user receivers, ground stations…) and publish Minimum Operational Performance Specifications (MOPS) Standard drafting is mostly driven by regulatory push Standards are very detailed and require 4 to 6 years to complete

6 Work has actively started a few years back
Aviation (2) Work has actively started a few years back ICAO Navigation System Panel has agreed to produce standards for Galileo Open and Safety Of Life services Specific working group created to standardized Galileo, GPS L5 and GLONASS L3 Other ICAO structures are working on Institutional issues (legal secretariat study group) and cost recovery issues (Air Navigation System Economics Panel - ANSEP)

7 Aviation(3) SARPs Outline for GALILEO was proposed to ICAO in line with structure adopted for current GNSS standards B.3.3 Galileo L1 signal B Non-aircraft elements B RF characteristics B Carrier Frequency. B Signal Spectrum B Polarization B Signal power level B Modulation B Carrier Phase Noise B Short term Code/Carrier Coherence B Long term Code/Carrier Coherence B Spurious emissions B Correlation loss B Codes Generation and timing B Data Rate B Relative Signal Power

8 B.3.3.2 Protocols for data application B.3.3.3 Aircraft elements
Aviation (4) B Data structure   B Frame structure  B Frame length B Navigation Data message unique word B Navigation data message tail bits B Information Data block B Data block cyclic redundancy check B Data block coding B Data content B Satellite data B Constellation data B Protocols for data application B Aircraft elements B Time

9 EUROCAE WG 62 is dedicated to produce receiver standards for :
Aviation (5) EUROCAE WG 62 is dedicated to produce receiver standards for : GALILEO Stand Alone Receiver GALILEO/GPS/SBAS Receivers at a later stage Other study activities include : RF Interference studies Review of Galileo integrity concept Development of SBAS L5 signal in space standard Working group is quite active with permanent members from aircraft manufacturers, receiver manufacturers, air traffic service providers and GALILEO programme Draft receiver standards to be produced by end 2004/early 2005 Final standard around 2008 RTCA SC 159 is the US equivalent of WG 62 for GPS and SBAS receiver standards Coordination is pursued on key topics between the two groups. However, RTCA is not very supportive at this point.

10 Aviation (6) 1 General 2 Classes of receivers
2.1 Operational classes 2.2 Functional Classes 2.3 Combinations to be Standardised 2.4 Impact on GALILEO core receiver MOPS 3 Minimum performances requirements section 3.1 General requirements 3.1.1 Signal processing requirements 3.1.2 Sensitivity and dynamic range 3.1.3 Interference environment 3.1.4 Composite Pulsed interference in E5/L5 3.1.5 Message processing 3.1.6 Satellite selection 3.1.7 Initial acquisition time 3.1.8 Satellite acquisition time 3.1.9 Satellite reacquisition time Satellite tracking capability Accuracy , Continuity, Availability Integrity general requirement Alerts

11 Aviation (7) 4 MOPS under environmental conditions 5 Test procedures
3.2 En route terminal NPA specific requirements 3.2.1 Acquisition and tracking up to NPA 3.2.2 Demodulation of data 3.2.3 Ionospheric corrections in mono frequency mode 3.2.4 Tropospheric correction 3.2.5 Accuracy up to NPA 3.2.6 Integrity up to NPA 3.2.7 Position Output 31 3.2.8 Development Assurance 3.2.9 Dynamic tracking for en route terminal NPA 3.3 APV1 (NPV-1) Specific requirements 3.4 APV2 (NPV-2) Specific requirements 3.5 Degraded modes 4 MOPS under environmental conditions 5 Test procedures 6 Installed equipment Performance 7 Annexes

12 Similarly to aviation, Maritime community drafts standards
to protect human life and ensure worldwide navigation. Framework is also well established. Main actors are : -The International Maritime Organization (IMO) deals with the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) convention. -The International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) that has a significant role in standardization of radionavigation system -A number of other committees such as RTCM(*), IEC(*) and NMEA(*) that are involved in the standards for user equipments, packaging, interface… Standard drafting is also driven by regulatory push IMO standards less detailed than for aviation. Main focus on performance. RTCM : Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission NMEA : National Marine Electronics Association

13 Galileo was already presented to the Maritime
Safety Committee (IMO MSC) One item is included in the work program of the Navigation Sub committee (IMO NAV) First objective is to introduce and adopt IMO performance requirements for Galileo similar to the one existing for GPS and GLONASS. First draft submitted to last NAV meeting early July Target completion date is next NAV meeting in mid 05 for a follow up adoption at MSC end 05 Galileo will then be offered to IMO as part of the World Wide Radio Navigation Service (WWRNS) – Recognition date is undefined depending whether it is necessary to have an fully deployed system before this can be done

14 Maritime (3) IEC is in charge with receiver standards development. This includes detailed performance and testing standards. TC 80 is the technical committee in charge WG 4a for GNSS test standards WG 6 for NMEA interface definition RTCM is developing technically the definition of differential GNSS systems used for maritime applications Actual scope is broader and used by many other user communities SC 104 is the committee in charge Dedicated WG created to deal with introduction of Galileo Some change proposal have been prepared and presented during the last meeting for both Version 2 and Version 3 of SC 104 RTCM standard. IALA is involved in the planning of navigation infrastructure for maritime at international level Future of DGPS service – Evolutions to GALILEO Technical expertise for development of IMO Standards Evolution of RTCM standard into ISO standard

15 Maritime (4) Proposed Galileo Messages for RTCM 104 Standard version 2.3

16 Maritime (5) Proposed Galileo messages for RTCM 104 standard version 3

17 Standard drafting requirement for the communication
Location Based Services (1) Standard drafting requirement for the communication functions comes from a need for interoperability Several Navigation methods to support location services will be included in the standards Framework is also well defined. The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), an emanation of ETSI, drafts Technical Specifications for all aspects of mobile phone including both systems and services. Numerous groups of this organization are relevant for GALILEO. Other organizations also play a role such as the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Standard drafting is commercially driven and mainly involves participation from industry

18 Location Based Services (2)
3GPP Activities Feasibility Study addressing benefits of GALILEO for Location Based Services Accepted at service level Under approval at architecture level Work Item approved to extand existing A-GPS Standards to A-GNSS including GALILEO OMA Activities Development of Assisted GPS standards in the User Plane (IP) Big time pressure to progress on this issue – GALILEO will be introduce at a later stage Assistance messages will be based on 3GPP format Contract with Alcatel and Orange/FT Support from Ericsson, Qualcomm Contacts with Nokia (Siemens and Vodafone in the future)

19 3GPP Organization

20 Rail Rail is expending its international dimension
Interoperability standards are being introduced but primary concerns are track gauge, power supply, track-side signalling… European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and Train Control System (ETCS) are openings for the introduction of GALILEO standards.

21 GNSS Odometer ETCS OnBoard ETCS OnBoard + GNSS ETCS Trackside
Rail (2) Rail navigation system is mainly based on hybridization between multiple sensors One problem is to derive required performance for GNSS part -> Initial work performed in SAGA contract Two architectures under study ETCS OnBoard ETCS Trackside ETCS OnBoard Odometer + GNSS GNSS ETCS Trackside

22 ERTMS User Group has drafted a GNSS ERTMS/ETCS roadmap
Rail (3) ERTMS User Group has drafted a GNSS ERTMS/ETCS roadmap Following standardization activities will be merged with pilot projects Common Requirements Development of prototypes and test tools Test and Validation Standard update Time 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

23 Some openings in road-tolling domains, stolen car recovery…
Road is mass market and professional market Solutions are market driven and standards are currently pushed back by industry to promote proprietary architectures Some openings in road-tolling domains, stolen car recovery… Work is carried out in CEN, CENELEC and ISO

24 Procedure Typical sequence for standardization is :
-Present briefing on GALILEO program -Establish bilateral communication with user community and collect feedback on desirable features to optimize design cost -Establish user performance requirements and mapping with GALILEO services -Carry out technical studies focused on some specific aspects for each user community (integrity for aviation, cost for mass-market, integration with other sensors, vulnerability to interference, in-door positionning… -Get familiar with community language, agree on definition and identify the level of details required for the standard -Draft standards -Promote GALILEO throughout the approval process

25 On-Going Work European Commission (EC) with the support of GJU is managing the standardisation activities and participating to several working groups in most active areas European Space Agency, GALILEO project office, is providing technical support as required during the standardization process Simultaneously, standards for EGNOS are being finalized and relevant evolutions are planned. Past and Present support contract with Industry SAGA : Involved key actors in several transport domains and ensured promotion of GALILEO in many standardisation fora GALILEI Task G : Additional support contract that provided detailed studies on specific topics relevant for standardization. GEM : Continuation of standardization activities in 6th Framework Programme

26 Work has to be tailored on a case by case basis
Conclusions The importance of standardization aspects is recognized within the GALILEO program and early start was possible Each community has specific incentives for developing standards (safety, commercial, interoperability…) and therefore specific ways to produce them Work has to be tailored on a case by case basis Very little can be re-used and confidence builds on privileged relationships with each community Effort and Time consuming activities that span over long periods of time Standardization is an important activity for which a substantial effort is planned in the 6th framework program

27 Cooperation with China would be extremely useful in most user domain
Conclusion Acceptance by user communities is fostered through the standardization process Start with applications ready and familiar with standards such as civil aviation and maritime Other potential users will be contacted as the program progresses (Time, Surveying, Fleet Management, Emergency Vehicules, Precision Farming…) Trigger creation of dedicated standardization structures if required (potentially using network of competitive industries) Cooperation with China would be extremely useful in most user domain


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