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English Literature Revision

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1 English Literature Revision
To know the key content of section B. To understand all the characters and themes. To be able to link quotes to Character, theme and content.

2 Character Theme Context Quotes You have 5 minutes to summarise all the possible content that could be used in the Of Mice and Men section of the exam

3 Women’s rights movement
Character Lennie George Curley’s wife Curley Crooks Candy Slim Theme Friendship Loneliness Segregation Prejudice Nature Death Anger + Violence Tragedy Dreams Poverty Context Civil rights movement Great Depression Steinbeck’s dog Robert Burns poem Women’s rights movement Wall street crash The American Dream The Dust bowl How many did you miss?



6 English Literature Revision
To know the key content of section B. To understand all the characters and themes. To be able to link quotes to Character, theme and content.

7 Exploring the significance
Character Consider his role in the novel. Consider what we learn from him. Consider what he represents. Consider cause and effect Consider how he effects the plot Theme Consider the key moments for the theme Consider the morals or lessons about the theme Consider the impact of the theme Consider what character represents the theme Consider the overall message about the theme Exploring the significance

8 What Grade? Evidence (key moment + quote) Why she is important Curley’s Wife is an important character because she is the cause of a lot of conflict within the plot. For example when she enters Crooks’ room and confronts the weak characters. “Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung upon a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” Use of the racial term ‘Nigger’ and the threat to get Crooks ‘strung’ up indicates that Curley’s wife causes conflict by threatening other characters. It also demonstrates how she is quick to exert power over someone weaker than her, in this case Crooks. This moment reflects the lack of civil and women’s rights at the time of the novel as Curley’s wife is happy to threaten and discriminate someone because of their skin colour despite her own mistreatment because of her gender. Explanation of quote Contextual link

9 Sat’iday night. Ever’body out doin’ som’pin’. Ever’body
Sat’iday night. Ever’body out doin’ som’pin’. Ever’body! An’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talkin’ to a bunch of bindle stiffs—a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep—an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else.” What does the quote show about a character/theme/Context?

10 Analysing quotes for Character, Theme and Context
Sat’iday night. Ever’body out doin’ som’pin’. Ever’body! An’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talkin’ to a bunch of bindle stiffs—a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep—an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else.” End of chapter 4 Crooks bored in on him. “Want me ta tell ya what’ll happen? They’ll take ya to the booby hatch. They’ll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog.” middle of chapter 4 Old Candy watched him go. He looked helplessly back at Curley’s wife, and gradually his sorrow and his anger grew into words. “You God damn tramp”, he said viciously. “You done it, di’n’t you? I s’pose you’re glad. Ever’body knowed you’d mess things up.” End of chapter 5 Curley was balanced and poised. He slashed at Lennie with his left, and then smashed down his nose with a right. Lennie gave a cry of terror. Blood welled from his nose. “George,” he cried. “Make ‘um let me alone, George.” End of chapter 3 “Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung upon a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. There was no personality, no ego— nothing to arouse either like or dislike. He said, “Yes, ma’am,” and his voice was toneless. End of chapter 4 Analysing quotes for Character, Theme and Context

11 Women’s rights movement Wall street crash The American Dream
Character Lennie George Curley’s wife Curley Crooks Candy Slim Theme Friendship Loneliness Segregation Prejudice Nature Death Anger + Violence Tragedy Dreams Poverty Context Civil rights movement Great Depression Steinbeck’s dog Robert Burns poem Women’s rights movement Wall street crash The American Dream The Dust bowl Quotes Now find 5 quotes yourself. Write down the quote and make a note of the Chapter and Page number. You should be able to use the quote for at least 5 different topics

12 Women’s rights movement
Character Lennie George Curley’s wife Curley Crooks Candy Slim Theme Friendship Loneliness Segregation Prejudice Nature Death Anger + Violence Tragedy Dreams Poverty Essay plans Context Civil rights movement Great Depression Steinbeck’s dog Robert Burns poem Women’s rights movement Wall street crash The American Dream The Dust bowl Character Consider his role in the novel. Consider what we learn from him. Consider what he represents. Consider cause and effect Consider how he effects the plot Theme Consider the key moments for the theme Consider the morals or lessons about the theme Consider the impact of the theme Consider what character represents the theme Consider the overall message about the theme

13 Explore the significance of ______in the novel 40 marks
Significance/key moment/quote/context Consider his role in the novel. 2. Consider what we learn from him. 3. Consider what he represents. 4. Consider cause and effect 5. Consider how he effects the plot And when you do Theme… Consider the key moments for the theme Consider the morals or lessons about the theme Consider the impact of the theme Consider what character represents the theme Consider the overall message about the theme

14 Explore the significance of ______in the novel
40 marks 7 marks for SPAG 45 minutes


16 Of Mice and Men: Marking checklist
C grade Significance is stated but not explained. A key moment is used but not explained. A quote is used – not the best fit. 2 or more comments on the key words or features. Features not identified or inaccurate. Comments on features aren’t linked back to significance. One reader reaction given. B grade Significance is stated and explained. A key moment is used and explained. A quote is used – A good selection. 3 comments on the key words or features. 2 Features are identified accurately. Comments on features are linked back to significance but not clearly. One reader reaction given in-depth. Of Mice and Men: Marking checklist A grade Significance is stated and explained in detail/multiple ideas A key moment is used and explained in detail A quote is used – Best option. 3 detailed comments on the key words or features. 3 Features are identified accurately. Comments on features are linked back to significance clearly. 2 reader reaction given in-depth. Evaluation of the quote

17 Overall Extras to consider
Less than 2 contextual links = minus a grade. Errors in identification, ideas or quotes = minus a grade. Less than 3 paragraphs = minus a grade. Unfinished paragraphs = minus half a grade. Missing elements in the PEEL structure = minus a sub-grade. SPAG 0-2 3-5 6-7 8-9

18 Marking WWW: EBI: INT: Re-write a paragraph focusing on your EBI.

19 Themes in the Novel Characters in the Novel Lennie - BCSE George - RR
«««««««««« Characters in the Novel Lennie - BCSE George - RR Slim - JKL Crooks - BCSE Curley’s wife - DCC Curley - LMCJ Candy - «««««««««« Themes in the Novel Friendship - BCSE Loneliness - JKL Segregation Prejudice - LMCJ Nature - RR Death - LMCJ Anger + Violence - JKL Tragedy - DCC Dreams - DCC Poverty

20 4. The American Dream Because America was a new land with no aristocracy, it gained the reputation as a country where anyone, no matter what their background, could succeed. All you needed was talent and hard work. For hundreds of years the USA has been associated with the promise of a new and better life. 1. The title comes from the Robert Burns poem ‘To a mouse’ which has a message that often tragic events happen despite good planning. 2. John Steinbeck had many labouring jobs before he became a writer and he travelled America with his dog looking for work. 5. The 29 October 1929 was known as ‘Black Tuesday’ in America. The huge crash of the stock market brought and end to the prosperity that had characterized the United States throughout the 1920s, and signalled the start of the Great Depression. Unemployment rose from around 3% in 1929 to over 26% by Many of the poorest members of US society suffered badly, and at one point it was estimated that 34 million men, women and children had no income at all. Many people were evicted from their homes and ended up living in shanty towns. Context 3. Racism Black people were confined to separate and usually inferior areas and facilities. They lived in different neighbourhoods, attended separate schools, and were barred from entering certain professions. Some states refused to allow black people to enter theatres and restaurants. Even public transport was segregated into ‘white’ seats and ‘black’ seats. 6. Women’s rights Even though women got the vote in 1920 they were still seen as inferior to men. They were discouraged from getting jobs or an education and were expected to fulfil traditional roles as mothers who cook, clean and have children.

21 Racism rosa parks a lynching
What do you find out about the attitude to racism on the following pages? Page 22 Slim – bottom of page 31 Page 75 Page 77 Page 88 Page 90

22 The American Dream Page 14 and 62 – 64 George and Lennie’s dream
Page 97 Curley’s wife’s dream Page 36 The idealised working man (the reality of the working man – page 50) Page 50 The magazines the men read which idealised he life hey lived

23 The Working Man migrant workers
Page 20 - The living conditions of the working man Page 23 – how the working man was treated Page 27 – authority’s attitude to the working man Page 36 - The idealised working man Page 38 – the loneliness of the working man Page 50 - the reality of the working man Page 6 – the end of the line for the working man

24 There is always a character question and a themed question.
Why is the treatment that Crooks receives from other characters important in the novel? Why is the concept of friendship significant in the novel? Why are dreams important in the novel? Explain the importance of Lennie in the novel. Explain the importance of the character of Curley in the novel. Why is Curley’s wife important in the novel? Explore the significance of settings in the novel. Explain why anger is important in the novel What is the importance of the dream George and Lennie share in the novel? In what ways is George a significant character in the novel? In what ways are animals significant in the novel? There is always a character question and a themed question.

25 Section B reminders Find the Of Mice and Men section.
Read both questions but select only 1 to answer. Make sure you use any bullet points or suggestions in your answer. Plan for 5 minutes Write for 35 minutes Read though for 5 minutes Write an introduction – introduce the character or theme. Always consider why the character/theme is important. Make links to historical context. Make sure you quote directly from the book – don’t avoid quotes or make them up.

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