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RUSSIA / Moscow June 5th – 9th 2017

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1 RUSSIA / Moscow June 5th – 9th 2017
FRENCH TECH TOUR 2017 RUSSIA / Moscow June 5th – 9th 2017

2 Guidelines La présentation doit être faite en anglais.
Le contenu doit suivre la trame proposée ici pour une meilleure lisibilité des dossiers (6 slides maximum). Pensez à vos lecteurs : faites une présentation claire et synthétique. N’oubliez pas de remplir la fiche de contacts (dernière diapositive).

3 Company name and logo

4 Introduce briefly your company (1 slide max)
Who you are ? (1/6) Introduce briefly your company (1 slide max) History Offices Capital structure and stakeholders Management team Key figures Current business and footprint in France, abroad and in Russia

5 Which problem are you solving ? (2/6)
Identify the problem you are solving !

6 About your product / solution (3/6)
Explain what makes you different ! Insist on your competitive advantage(s) !

7 Give some figures about the market size and explain :
Value proposal (4/6) Give some figures about the market size and explain : what your business model is ? Current status and progress What you need from the investor ? What you’re planning to do with the money you’ll raise

8 Objectives / Targets (5/6)
Please explain the objectives of your participation to the French Tech Tour Russia List down or detail the profile of the targeted companies you would like to meet (partners and / or clients)

9 References (6/6) List some of your customers’ references ! You can add client testimonials and videos !

10 Contact details Name and surname Tel and e-mail Website
Social networks

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