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Sit in a desk with a bookmark. 

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1 Sit in a desk with a bookmark. 

2 E2 Regular / Honors / ESOL LOWE
Annotating a Text E2 Regular / Honors / ESOL LOWE

3 What is annotation? To annotate means to interact with the text.
Highlighting Margin Notes Definitions Tone Purpose Connections Opinions

4 Why annotate? Provide evidence and commentary to make a point.
Understand your purpose for reading a text. Summarize or paraphrase a passage for later. Define key words. Prepare for life after high school. college, university, military, career…

5 Annotating the Text [Bookmarks]
Once you’ve placed your metacognitive marker (think mark) next to a piece of the text, you write a note to yourself about why it’s funny, surprising, important, etc. LOL = Funny Part ! = Surprising Part * = Important Part = Favorite Part ? = Confusing Part W = Wonder Part

6 The house: A model activity
1. I read The House to you. You follow along! 2. As a group, you read The House to highlight your purpose. Thief = Yellow Kid = Green Realtor = Blue 3. We discuss your findings!

7 The House: Activity Cont.
If you were a thief, what pieces of the text would be important to you?

8 The House: Activity Cont.
If you were one of the kids in the story, what would be important to you?

9 The House: Activity Cont.
If you were a realtor trying to sell the house, what would be most important to you?

10 Fatigue Article: Group Activity
1. You read the article on your own. 2. In your groups, you read to highlight your purpose. First Purpose: You are a medical student preparing a speech regarding the implications of fatigue. You must find evidence to support your claim. Second Purpose: You are a blogger discussing ways to mitigate fatigue with your audience. You must find evidence to support your claim. 3. You answer the questions and we discuss!

11 Fatigue Article: PURPOSE #1
First Purpose: You are a medical student preparing a speech regarding the implications of fatigue. You must find evidence to support your claim. What is the purpose of this prompt? What evidence could you pull from the article? What could you say to provide a piece of commentary for your textual evidence?

12 Fatigue Article: PURPOSE #2
Second Purpose: You are a blogger discussing ways to mitigate fatigue with your audience. You must find evidence to support your claim. What is the purpose of this prompt? What evidence could you pull from the article? What could you say to provide a piece of commentary for your textual evidence?

13 Reading is thinking! Be wise like Yoda. He reads! Any questions?

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