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1 Drugs

2 Controlled Substance:
Drugs: any chemical substance that changes a person’s physical or psychological state Medicine: A drug that is used to cure, prevent, or treat pain, disease or illness. Controlled Substance: drugs that are used illegally without a prescription. Also know as illicit drugs

3 Drug Abuse Addiction: uncontrolled use of a drug
Physical dependence: body’s chemical or physical need for a drug Psychological dependence: person’s emotional or mental need for a drug

4 5 classifications of drugs
Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens Narcotics Inhalants

5 Stimulants Any drug that increases the body’s activity
Examples: Nicotine, crack, cocaine, methamphetamines, Ecstasy**

6 Depressants Any drug that decreases the activity in the body.
Examples: Alcohol, tranquilizers, barbiturates, rohypnol (date rape drug), GHB, ketamine,

7 Narcotics (opiates) Drugs that reduce the sensation of pain and are highly addictive. Examples: heroin, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, opium, methadone. Euphoria: physical or mental sense of well being. Very brief feeling.

8 Hallucinogens Any drug that causes a person to hallucinate. Meaning to see or hear things that are not actually present. Examples: LSD (acid), PCP (angel dust), Pycilocybin (mushrooms), Marijuana Flashback: an event in which a hallucinogen’s effects happen again long after the drug was originally taken. Can occur day, moths, even years later

9 Inhalants Drugs that are inhaled and absorbed into the bloodstream and lungs. Examples: Freon, nitrous oxide, glue, gasoline, aerosol sprays 2 ways these products are used Huffing – breathing vapors from a soaked rag Bagging – breathing vapors from a bag

10 Designer drugs Drugs that are chemically altered
Examples: Ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine

11 Gateway drugs Drugs that are usually the first that teen experiment with such as tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana and later lead to the use of a variety of other drugs such as cocaine, LSD, or heroin.

12 Gateway drugs continued
Active chemical in marijuana is THC Comes from a cannabis plant Causes similar health issues as cigarettes such as lung cancer and emphysema

13 4 ways drugs can be administered
Oral ingestion – swallowing liquids, pills, etc. Injection – using a needle Inhalation – snorting, smoking, or inhaling Absorption – through the skin, such as a cream, liquid, or nicotine in chewing gum

14 Getting Help Intervention: gathering of people who attempt to help someone see help for an addiction. Detoxification: process of ridding the body of all traces of drugs Withdrawal: uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms produced when a person who is physically dependent on drugs stops using drugs

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