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1 Africa

2 Landforms Africa is second only to Asia in size of continents.
Africa is the home of the Sahara Desert: the largest desert on Earth. The Nile River is the largest river on Earth In the far east, there is a complete change of terrain; there are snow- capped mountains, upland plateaus, and lakes. The Great Rift Valley - Grassland and populated by wild animals

3 Climate Their are 4 climate zones in Africa.
At the tip of south Africa, there is moderate rainfall, fertile land, and warm temperatures. Deserts alone have their own zone, there are two big deserts; the Sahara and the Kalahari. The third zone is the rain forest ( inches) Savannas hold the final zone. They make up about 40% of Africa’s land mass. Savannas get just enough rainfall for survival.

4 Climate

5 Emerging Civilizations and Religions
The Agricultural Revolution gave a great rise to African civilizations known as Kush, and Axum Nubia was subject to busy trade (ivory, ebony, frankincense) in 2000 B.C., and was under Egyptian control Nubia broke free (Kush) In 750 B.C., Kush had conquered Egypt. Assyrians defeat Kush (Bronze Vs. Iron)

6 Emerging Civilizations
The Kush empire declined 150 Axum is located in todays Ethiopia. Axum was founded by Arabs and had a combined culture of Arab and African. Axum owed its prosperity to its location along the Red Sea (Ivory, Ebony, and Slaves) In the 4th century A.D., King Ezana, invaded Kush. King Ezana was the first African Christian ruler. By 641, Islam begins to spread throughout N. Africa

7 The Kingdom of Ghana Ghana emerged in 500 (first great trading state in West Africa. Ghana was located in the upper Niger River Valley and consisted of many villages. Ghana traded salt (New Spice) Trade was carried by Berbers: nomadic peoples whose camel caravans became known as the “fleets of the deserts.” (40-60 days)

8 The Kingdom of Ghana

9 Mali was the greatest trading state to come after Ghana.
Mali extended from the Atlantic coast all the way to Timbuktu: a famous trading city. Gold & Salt (Major Exports) Mansa Musa ruled 1312 to 1337 devout Muslim who helped spread the Islamic Faith The Kingdom of Mali

10 The Kingdom of Mali


12 The Kingdom of Songhai South of the Niger River lies the Songhai people. Sunni Ali created the Sunni dynasty in 1464. Sunni Ali spent much of his reign on horseback and led many military campaigns. Height of power during reign of Muhammad Ture. In 1493, Sunni Ali was overthrown by the military commander and devout Muslim Muhammad Ture. This created the new dynasty Askia. Muhammad Ture maintained a state of peace and security (Navy/Soldiers)

13 Kingdom of Songhai


15 Societies in East Africa
Bantu - All africans originate from these people Subsistence Farming - Grow just enough to survive Iron working Ibn Battuta visited these cities and traveled over 75,000 miles, visiting almost every Muslim country and even China. Societies in East Africa

16 The Bantu Migration

17 Societies of South Africa A mixed African-Arabian culture known as Swahili began to emerge.
After time, Muslim religion and Arabic architectural styles became a huge part of society. Independent villages organized by clans made up stateless societies. From 1300 to 1450, Zimbabwe was the wealthiest and most powerful state in the region. The ruins of Zimbabwe’s capital, known as Great Zimbabwe, illustrate the kingdom’s power and influence.

18 Aspects of African Society
Lineage groups Stateless Societies In China, elders were the leading members of the lineage group and had much power over all of the rest. Women worked in the fields and were valued for their work and role in having children. Children were raised by mother until 6

19 African Culture Art was meant to express religious conviction.
Wood-carvers throughout Africa made remarkable masks and statues. In the 13th and 14th centuries, metalworkers produced bronze and iron statues. Ife city sculptures influenced artists in Benin Storytelling, usually by priests or a special class of storytellers known as griots, served the same purpose as music; to pass information of the past to the youth.

20 Great Africa

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