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Early African Civilizations

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2 Early African Civilizations
Empire of Mali Chapter 13, Section 3 World History

3 Alabama Course of Study
Standard Two: Analyze characteristics of early civilizations in respect to technology, division of labor, government, calendar, and writings. Identifying on a map, locations of cultural hearths of early civilizations.

4 Alabama Course of Study
Standard Three: Compare the development of early world religions and philosophies and their key tenets. Identifying cultural contributions of early world religions and philosophies.

5 Alabama Course of Study
Standard Thirteen: Compare the African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai to include geography, religions, slave trade, economic systems, empires, and cultures.

6 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can identify the physical and cultural features of this region. I can describe the impact that trade had upon the civilization of Mali. I can outline the key events and people of the Empire of Mali.

7 Warm-up Questions What title did Sundiata take for himself?
Mansa What happened to weaken Mali after the death of Mansa Musa? Raiders attacked and Mali could not stop them

8 Reading Check Questions
What steps did Sundiata take to turn Mali into an empire? Built an army / conquered many neighboring kingdoms / took control of gold and salt trade / took power from local chiefs / assumed authority of a mansa

9 The Empire of Ghana Recall: Where was Ghana located?
West Africa – between the Niger and Senegal Rivers and between the Sahara Desert and the southern forests.

10 Empire of Ghana Explain: How did early Soninke farmers create a strong state? Banded together – used iron tools to produce more food – formed villages and towns.

11 Empire of Ghana Recall: How did Ghana’s rulers raise money?
Traders paid taxes – the people paid taxes – army conquered neighboring tribes who then paid tribute.

12 Empire of Ghana Analyze: How did Ghana’s rulers acquire huge amounts of gold? From taxes and banning others from owning gold.

13 Empire of Ghana Evaluate: Do you think trade was safer when Ghana controlled it? Yes - Army protected traders / No – traders had to carry more gold to pay taxes

14 Empire of Ghana Recall: What group attacked Ghana in the 1060’s, and what effect did it have? Almoravids greatly weakened Ghana’s trade empire

15 Empire of Ghana Draw Conclusions: What was the significance of overgrazing? Killed off the grass and mad the soil worthless for farming or herding.

16 Empire of Ghana Make Judgments: Why do you think people rebelled in about 1200? They were angry that they had been conquered by Ghana.

17 Getting the Main Idea You are now going to complete a guided reading activity on The Empire of Mali. It will be done as a team. The first team to raise their hands and answer the questions correctly will get 20 points & a trip to the IBM.

18 Empire of Mali Identify: After conquering nearby kingdoms, on what did Sundiata focus? Improving agriculture and taking over the salt and gold trade.

19 Empire of Mali Explain: How did Sundiata consolidate political and religious power? By taking power away from local leaders; by taking on the religious authority of local mansas.

20 Empire of Mali Make Inferences: Why do you think it was important for the ruler of Mali to take away power from local leaders? It meant that they could not rise up against the ruler.

21 Today’s Learning Targets
I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can identify the physical and cultural features of this region. I can describe the impact that trade had upon the civilization of Mali. I can outline the key events and people of the Empire of Mali.

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