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The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic

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1 The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic
Chapter 1 The World Before the Opening of the Atlantic

2 The Earliest Americans
The earliest Americans came to North and South America over the land bridge known as the Bering Land Bridge. These Americans are called Paleo-Indians They crossed the Bering Land Bridge from 38,000 BCE and 10,000 BCE About 8,000 BCE the land bridge disappeared due to global warming and rising oceans

3 Olmec and Maya 1200 BCE- the Olmec developed the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica. Olmec civilization ended around 400 BCE. 200 BCE- Maya were building large cities

4 Olmec

5 Maya

6 Aztec Fierce warriors Migrated to Central Mexico in about 1100 BCE
Founded Aztec capital, "Tenochtitilan" in AD 1325 By the early 1500's they ruled the most powerful state in Mesoamerica

7 Aztec

8 Inca Started out as a small tribe Known for building and for Art
Built fortresses, roads, and rope bridges

9 Inca

10 Native American Cultures
Anasazi- around 1500BCE they lived in the "four corners region." (Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah) Built Pueblos and Kivas What are pueblos and Kivas?

11 Native American Culture Areas
North and Northwest West and Southwest Great Plains Northeast and Southeast In groups look up and describe these cultural groups in the text p

12 Trading Kingdoms of West Africa
Kingdom of Ghana Kingdom of Mali Songhai Empire

13 Ghana By 800 Ghana controlled of the trading routes in Western Africa.
Islam grew in Africa at this time. When they lost control of their trading routes the empire fell

14 Ghana

15 Mali Mansa Musa- famous ruler Converted to Islam
Encouraged the building of Mosques What is a Mosque?

16 Songhai Empire Askia the Great- greatest ruler of Songhai Empire
Also heavily Islamic Built a better government system, supported education, and building a professional military

17 Slave trade of west Africa
Turn to p.20 and read the section West African Slave Trade

18 Europe Greek and Roman Government Democracy Middle Ages Renaissance
Black Death

19 Europe European countries that participated in colonizing the new world Great Britain France Spain Portugal Belgium

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