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Central Metaphor Google Classroom.

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1 Central Metaphor Google Classroom

2 Road trip metaphor

3 Appositives and Participial Phrases

4 Having played the 53rd hand of Hearts, listened to hours of scratchy radio music and eaten the full range of snacks, we reach Black Diamond at the end of the 14 hour road trip north from San Diego. My hair is in a disheveled ponytail and my legs feel cramped. But the laughter of 650 miles worth of family bonding leaves a smile on my face. Part of my cultural identity is the family road trip, the car ride of road warriors and hostages, our kids. Each of us has a different role. David loves to crank the tunes like a concert DJ, leading everyone in the “Name the tune” speed contest. Although we refuse to let her use a microphone, Sydney likes to be the travel narrator, telling us little historical trivia, some or all of which the other kids ignore. She has tidbits like the correct pronunciation of Sacaweja or how big around the ancient, gnarled Sequoia trees are, measured by people linking hands and standing around the tree (Ten is the answer.). I obviously listened. Never content to sit still, Spencer makes us stop at a beach where the surf looks promising or go to a park where we can throw the football for a half-hour break. Completing our road trip crew, Chloe uses her humor, often sarcastic, to keep us entertained. The road trip in our old Suburban is a metaphor for my cultural identity in which family is key.

5 Cultural Identity Using a Metaphor
Informal Voice Cultural Identity Using a Metaphor

6 Cultural Identity??? Food? Music? Religion? Sport? Hobby? Tradition?
Family roles?

7 Now, think of a metaphor….
Zoo animals? Parts of a mountain bike? Rooms in your house? Thanksgiving dinner items? Lake?

8 Google Classroom Assignment
Submit Print and turn in to the bin.

9 Parallel Structure I cautiously opened the door, timidly peeked in the room, carefully reached for the box and _____________ ____________ ___ ______ __________.

10 Cultural Heritage = Whole Society Cultural Inheritance = Individual
Is there a conflict?

11 Talk with your feet. My family’s cultural heritage is ethnic hash.
I sometimes feel conflict with my parent(s) because we define our cultural identities differently. My parents actively help me appreciate our cultural heritage. My parents disapprove of some aspect(s) of my cultural identity. One aspect of my parent’s cultural identity really bugs me.

12 Central Conflict

13 Read Amy Tan’s TWO KINDS
Highlight any new words. Respond to the reading prompts – pp , answering the questions in the My Notes margin section.

14 Descriptive Paragraph with central metaphor
Read Two Kinds Descriptive Paragraph with central metaphor Highlight and define new vocabulary. Answer all the reading prompts in the “My Notes” margin sections. Highlight evidence. Open the document in Google Classroom. Pick an aspect of cultural identity. Choose a metaphor. Vividly describe the aspect of cultural identity. Use two appositives. Use two participial phrases.

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