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Take a REST from manual searching: PDBe, programmatically

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Presentation on theme: "Take a REST from manual searching: PDBe, programmatically"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take a REST from manual searching: PDBe, programmatically proteindatabank @PDBeurope pdbart pdbeurope David Armstrong Part of EMBL-EBI programmatic access webinar series See first introductory webinar for basics of programmatic access Me + John on chat John Berrisford

2 Summary Introduction to data at the PDBe PDBe’s RESTful API
Finding additional annotation programmatically Advanced searching programmatically Simple example script

3 Introduction to PDBe resources

4 Annotation is done geographically – but all into a single archive
Different websites and tools to access this data from each site.

5 The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is an archive of experimentally determined 3-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules Experimentally determined from 3 main methods: X-ray cryst, NMR and EM Not just proteins – also nucleic acids Bear in mind the types of molecules when analyzing data programmatically Proteins DNA/RNA Complexes of Protein and NA

6 PDB over the years In May 2014, we passed the 100,000 milestone
Very large amounts of data now in the PDB archive Though only ~40,000 unique macromolecules Bear in mind the redundancy in the archive when using the API In May 2014, we passed the 100,000 milestone As of today, ~130,000 structures

7 At the heart of EMBL-EBI resources
Surrounded by many other biological resources Work with these to add more functional annotation to our data

8 PDBe’s RESTful API

9 RESTful API for PDBe data
Allows access to vast amounts of PDBe data Powers the PDBe search and web pages Will always be well maintained! Link expand on next slide

10 RESTful API for PDBe data
Allows access to vast amounts of PDBe data Powers the PDBe search and web pages Will always be well maintained! Can access API from homepage, or directly ay

11 What can the REST API give you?
Split into 8 groups These REST calls are based on different subsets of data These are grouped for ease of use These are available on the documentation page Thorough set of example calls Give URL and output JSON on the page The data from the API split into 8 groups – for ease of use Find these on the API documentation page Each group has interactive example calls on the documentation pages… (feed into next slide)

12 Documentation example
Here’s an example call in the ‘PDB’ group Can see the URL for the call and a short description Each of the tabs gives list of example calls for that group Short description of the results given under API URL

13 Documentation example
Can insert specific PDB ID for the example call ‘Summary’ example for PDB entry information A box is available to run call for a specific PDB entry

14 Documentation example
Also possible with multiple PDB IDs Can also give list of multiple PDB entry IDs Gives results for all entry codes provided

15 Documentation example
Enter PDB ID and click ‘Run call’

16 Documentation example
Returns you the URL for that API call

17 Documentation example
URL contains information about the call Host address What API it is The description of the call The string given as input What API: the PDBe API Description of the call: grouping, entry-based, summary call String input: in this case the PDB ID

18 Quick Poll Have you used our API before?

19 Finding Additional annotation

20 Additional annotation at PDBe
Information additional to coordinate data Includes links to other database Using SIFTS service PDBe populates this info on the website through the API SIFTS service brings together data from a number of resources, based on sequence information.

21 Finding Uniprot mappings for PDB entry

22 Finding Uniprot mappings for PDB entry

23 Finding Uniprot mappings for PDB entry
Results given as JSON PDB ID top level Mapping type Mapping ID Further description Range covered by mapping Further description includes mapping section. Within this… Range covered by the mapping – from the PDB sequence range to Uniprot range

24 Showing sequence annotation at
Component for displaying sequence annotation Uses API to get this information

25 Finding validation information for PDB entry
Another example… Can use the API to get validation metrics for an entry This example describes outliers for specific residues in entry *Click for URL expand*

26 Finding validation information for PDB entry
Again, URL contains info about the call – part of the validation grouping

27 Finding validation information for PDB entry
Results given as JSON PDB ID top level Results listed by entity Further listed by individual chain Models required for NMR entries Each residue with outliers The list of outliers Results for that specific call. Entity, i.e. distinct macromolecules in entry Chain – because may be multiple copies of each macromolecule Models need to be accounted for List of each residue containing an outlier List of outliers for that specific residue

28 LiteMol – powered by PDBe REST API
New, lightweight structure viewer at PDBe Uses API to get structure and annotation data Including residue-level validation information An example of how we use this validation information is LiteMol… API results on the right show how we get the colours Yellow has single outlier type Orange has two outlier types Red has 3 or more This is then displayed on the structure to indicate validation issues

29 LiteMol – powered by PDBe REST API
New, lightweight structure viewer at PDBe Uses API to get structure and annotation data Including residue-level validation information PDB Component library Selection of easy to use web components Many are powered by API LiteMol is one the web components in the PDB component library Can easily install these components on your own website *Next slide for link*

30 LiteMol – powered by PDBe REST API
New, lightweight structure viewer at PDBe Uses API to get structure and annotation data Including residue-level validation information PDB Component library Selection of easy to use web components Many are powered by API Here is the link for the PDB component library at

31 Quick Poll Were you previously aware you can use PDBe components on your own website?

32 Advanced Search programmatically
This section will cover searching using the API Enable more complex queries and feed into our other API groups

33 PDBe web search is based on the API
Initial queries typed into autocomplete search bar Can then refine search by additional queries These are the facets on the left-hand side URL contains the queries involved in the search Directly corresponding to API calls Before we discuss the search API… Web search feeds nicely into API search

34 Query = molecule_name:“Dihydrofolate reductase”
Here is an example of a web search *click when mentioning DHFR* hydrofolate reductase”

35 Query = molecule_name:“Dihydrofolate reductase”

36 Query = molecule_name:“Dihydrofolate reductase”
Can narrow by additional facets/queries

37 Query = molecule_name:“Dihydrofolate reductase”
hydrofolate reductase”&organism_scientific_name:"Homo sapiens”

38 Query = molecule_name:“Dihydrofolate reductase”
hydrofolate reductase”&organism_scientific_name:"Homo sapiens”

39 Search in the documentation page
Moving on to the API search, using API documentation to demonstrate Group is ‘Search’ *click* Also get URL for search API *click* *Move to next slide for URL description*

40 Search in the documentation page
URL contains information about the call Host address Defining PDBe search API Always “pdb/select?” for search API The query given as input

41 Search queries in the documentation
List of search queries in documentation, for example… *click* PDB ID *click* deposition year

42 Search in the documentation page
Here is the interactive example call for the search documentation *click* Our search is powered by Solr *click* Link here to access documentation for building Solr calls

43 Search in the documentation page
Run same example search as in our web search URL given back If we look closer *click* can see queries in same format as web search URL *click* Significant difference *click* is in the linking of multiple queries Using word AND enables options for OR and NOT as well. Still ‘&’ to separate different search parameters, e.g. result format Search API URL differs in linking queries Uses ‘ AND ’ rather than ‘&’ Otherwise, query terms interchangeable

44 Search in the documentation page
Search results as JSON Summary in responseHeader response gives no. of hits Results found in docs Given as dictionary Values for each parameter ResponseHeader gives status and the search parameters Parameters show difference in linking types: Queries contain ‘ AND ‘ while result format, separated in URL by ‘&’ is a separate parameter Final: for this example, the list of entry authors is shown

45 Simple example script Shows how to write a basic PDBe API search programmatically to run as a script

46 Simple example script Example Python script requests module for API
Specifying base URLs Defining search terms Run search script Run the API request Create result list of PDB IDs Run search using our search terms, with the run_search command defined above Once returned our result, can extract results from within the response and docs levels For each result we add the PDB ID to a list - now have output of results as PDB IDs Can use as input to further API calls

47 Conclusions Large amount of PDB data available
PDBe includes further data from other services API documentation makes building calls simple Web search URLs translate to API search PDBe website powered by API Means API is up to date and reliable!

48 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? proteindatabank @PDBeurope pdbart pdbeurope David Armstrong Thank you for watching this EBI webinar Contact info – also API mailing list at URL on slide John and I still available for questions – use the chat box to ask these. John Berrisford

49 Next in the series Feedback See the full list of upcoming webinars at
Feedback Tell us what you think

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